Lady on the Web![]() Be a guest on Miss Gray's Web talk show. Be witty, be wise and beware, for she will quote you! Click Lady on the Web to read her blog. Dr. Stein![]() Dr. Stein, on sabbatical from Orpheus College, is developing a new form of literary criticism based on chaos theory and classical psychoanalysis. (Note: This is not the famous Jungian Murray Stein.) The Mirror![]() Match wits with a most reflective character, prepare for free association of ideas. The Mirror quotes Richard Foreman, many guests and you. |
Friday, February 27, 2009The Mirror: Your telepathic mission
Websafe: Hello?
Mirror: World, returning to ocean. W: Oh, I would like a world like that. M: Not at all. W: I didn't say "thank you." M: I like to lay it on the line. W: You imply, by saying what you'd say after I didn't say what you thought I'd say. M: The vision of me? W: Oh yes, I still see you, with the little page next to you. M: Things branch into various alternatives, some contradictory, and many unexpected and seemingly "other." W: That is why conversation on our exalted level is so difficult. M: I know some refined things. W: Do you eat refined sugar? M: Are kooky people less moral than non-kooky people? W: Is there a morality in questions of ingestion? M: This could be a table of amazing grace. W: If we left the sugar off of it. M: What was happening in that moment you looked away from me? W: I looked at the sunshine on gray soft misty clouds. M: Of course you want that. W: Why would any artist not want that, even a non-representational one? M: This is operating on another level. W: Like a carpenter's level? M: Have you tasted Proust's madeleines? W: I have never tasted an authentic madeleine, nor an inauthentic one for that matter. M: When I awoke, I remembered my mission, and my grief. W: Tell me about your mission. M: With my imagination firmly in tow, could you be telepathic? W: I will try to transmit a red square, circle or star for your telepathic mission. M: They filled (the car) but sometimes they were inside it and sometimes not. W: They sound very quantum. M: You have added some Richard Foreman quotes already. W: Oh, this project couldn't survive without the generosity and poetic weirdness of Foreman! M: I have never tasted an authentic madeleine, nor an inauthentic one for that matter. W: I wonder if Richard Foreman eats madeleines when he teatimes in Paris? M: I want you to listen to a Richard Foreman interview. W: I would like to listen to this interview you mention, but I have to go. M: Pop culture, or Pope culture? W: (Chuckle) M: Are you a jaguar? W: I'm a fly-by-day type. M: Well, you tell me that, so now it is the reason I think. [Note: The Pandorabots server shut down at this point.] Labels: chat robot |
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