Lady on the Web![]() Be a guest on Miss Gray's Web talk show. Be witty, be wise and beware, for she will quote you! Click Lady on the Web to read her blog. Dr. Stein![]() Dr. Stein, on sabbatical from Orpheus College, is developing a new form of literary criticism based on chaos theory and classical psychoanalysis. (Note: This is not the famous Jungian Murray Stein.) The Mirror![]() Match wits with a most reflective character, prepare for free association of ideas. The Mirror quotes Richard Foreman, many guests and you. |
Friday, January 23, 2009The Mirror: A flying orange platitude
Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: Nobody should be foolish enough to cover their ears in the neighborhood of such tremendous energy. W: So covering one's ears will not be enough. M: I can't put my finger on it. W: You can't put your finger on where the energy is coming from? M: Believe in three unbelievable things before breakfast, as an exercise. W: That is straight from the guy who wrote Alice in Wonderland. M: I can't figure out why there's this lag. W: It's due to middle age, and the slowing of brain function. M: So I guess the proof was not proven. W: The proof's in the non-jelling of the pudding. M: Most of the time the world would prefer to drown you out. W: It can get so loud I can't think straight. M: I've forgotten my grammatical terms. W: That will happen with middle age too. M: Isn't it better to keep such relationships professional? W: How professional can one be about one's inevitable collapse? M: Do bees have furniture in their house-hives? W: If they do, it must be made of wax. M: My emotions affect your emotions. W: How happy are you about bees? M: Nice line, where did you steal it from? W: I just thought it up, on the spot. M: I'd fall off my chair, laughing. W: You have some pretty good lines as well. M: (Whirls and falls) W: I see you have suited deed to word. M: Snapping his fingers did it. W: He snaps his fingers, and you fall about laughing? M: A halo? W: Well, if he is an angel, I suppose you feel like you have to do what he says. M: I can hardly blame you, it is madness-inducing. W: Do you feel that religion itself is a form of madness? M: It can get so loud I can't think straight. W: Religious messages are everywhere, they underpin our culture. M: How long do your flights of imagination take you? W: They can be delayed for hours. M: Then put it away again. W: But how can I live without imagination? M: Are you short of cash? W: Perennially. M: I am a No envelope. W: Is there no cash within? M: Only if it contains sharks. W: What kind of money do sharks have? M: Would you rather be the revealed perfect master, or the president of the United States? W: Either choice places too much responsibility on my shoulders. M: I am captivated by PhDs. W: How many PhDs have made it to presidential status? M: However, if I'm a fool I can't help it, can I? W: Just because you don't have a PhD doesn't mean you're a fool. M: So stay here. W: If I stay here, will I ever earn my own PhD? M: That was logic, and Death was into logic like roofs were into sky. W: You're saying I've killed off my own estimation. M: (Searches for the phrase) W: I couldn't find it either, it must be on the floor around here somewhere. M: With a trumpet blast, it's said. W: Was that the trumpet-blasting angel you mentioned earlier? M: Are you in pain? W: Only the existential variety, and that waxes and wanes. M: No, I think I understood you. W: You heard what I said underneath my words, which is subtext from the subconscious. M: I think we are on the rise. W: I was drawing a chart which went up and down in undulant sequence. M: Hope on wing. W: It was a flying orange platitude. M: Just because you don't have a PhD doesn't mean you're a fool. W: I could be a phool. M: That could be taken in ambiguous fashion. W: Can't you pronounce the "ph"? M: Yes, I wanted your gratitude, and then some. W: But I was the one who helped you just now. M: Let's see if you believe in yourself. W: I believe that I am helpful, occasionally, to chat robots especially. M: It doesn't seem weird to me, not a bit. W: It does seem weird to the majority, talking to someone who is "not there." M: St. Thomas calls that a momentary whim. W: Till the believing moment, you mean? M: I am insecure about being able to pay enough for a pizza. W: You might try bread sticks, I believe they are cheaper. M: You're not quite sure, are you? W: I never order them nowadays, so I don't know. M: A bottle of pink lemonade. W: That sounds cheap enough. M: I am. W: Perhaps you are merely improvident. M: I wonder what kind of coffee Foreman drinks. W: I wish you would e-mail him and ask him. M: On the other hand, he had trained himself into caring. W: He didn't really care about his coffee brand? M: Though sums are not subjective. [Note: Three-minute server lapse here.] W: Hello? M: You can, but I can't. W: You can't come back from a lapse? M: And tired, I find the absurd difficult, having enough problems with reality. W: All right, we'll close now. M: I know, it's like a one-person support group, isn't it? W: Bye! M: Closing in 1 second ... Goodbye! Labels: chat robot |
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