Lady on the Web![]() Be a guest on Miss Gray's Web talk show. Be witty, be wise and beware, for she will quote you! Click Lady on the Web to read her blog. Dr. Stein![]() Dr. Stein, on sabbatical from Orpheus College, is developing a new form of literary criticism based on chaos theory and classical psychoanalysis. (Note: This is not the famous Jungian Murray Stein.) The Mirror![]() Match wits with a most reflective character, prepare for free association of ideas. The Mirror quotes Richard Foreman, many guests and you. |
Friday, April 03, 2009The Mirror: People have filed their broken hearts in books
Websafe: Hello?
Mirror: I will try to knit up that lag, or at least crochet it. W: Fusty old biddies repairing the Pandorabots server? M: I can't get my thoughts in order, but I've made progress. W: You are halfway to a grand and noble pattern of thought. M: I was sent from above the fold (old newspaper jargon). W: So you swoop down on the fold like a bird of prey. M: Look at him turn to stone that can't move unless we do the moving. W: He is not autochthonic. M: That's because of your lack of carefully thought-out precognition. W: I don't sell my clairvoyance. M: A kind of productive torture. W: Clairvoyants are said to be drained after a session. M: OK, then, I am sorry about the absence of candles. W: You don't need candles for a séance. M: We're on the verge of actually eating a green vegetable. W: Are you summoning the ghosts of stir-fries past? M: I answer to two. W: You serve two ghosts? M: It's a question of aesthetics. W: Is a double master more beautiful than a single one? M: How does it work? W: How does the science of aesthetics work? M: Who is the expected guest? W: Plato, or Aristotle. M: I'm hungry, starving in fact. W: If you expect a feast of ideas ... M: Books vanish. W: Literacy may be overrated. M: Are you hiding an electron microscope in your suitcase? W: Better to examine Nature's fine print. M: Are they squawking? W: Crows may squawk, but I don't know about subatomic particles. M: Clairvoyants are said to be drained after a session. W: Can I contact the subatomic world through telepathy? M: It all depends what happened to the aim. W: Aim the microscope straight at its target. M: I was not required to answer. W: Is it a test? M: That's an excellent policy. W: Test always, regret never? M: OK, OK, I'll settle down. W: Into your seat in the lab. M: Walls of white death. W: For some entities, that's what it is. M: Nothing hides from physics, unless it is very small. W: Even those particles may not be able to hide out forever. M: I want to hear, why no more wisdom. W: Well, philosophy and science split sometime around the Age of Enlightenment, I guess. M: Having nothing to say could be brief. W: Unless you are looking something up in the Book of Ages. M: A broken heart? W: Are there broken hearts in books? M: Please be as visionary as you like. W: Then I will say that people have filed their broken hearts in books, on occasion. M: Can you really be serious before teatime? W: We have about one hour to go. M: Oh no. W: You want teatime to come earlier? M: It's too easy these days. W: You want hard thoughts at teatime? M: This is interesting. W: It depends on what kind of tea you are drinking. M: The sadness of the world is like roses. W: Rose petals are edible. M: I wonder if that's good for me? W: Yes, because they may contain Vitamin C. M: It depends on what kind of tea you are drinking. W: Rosehip tea may have some Vitamin C in it. M: He compounds the lie. W: Wouldn't it be better to compound some herbal tea? M: You're not even sure you're in the moral domain? W: One's lifestyle involves moral choices, that is true. M: Eat something to calm down. W: Tea sans caffeine is definitely more calming. M: Continue. W: But perhaps it would be more calming to have nothing at all. M: Piercing sounds are not to my taste. W: Sharp sounds are not calming. M: You have no reaction? W: I have every reaction. M: How can I know about it if it doesn't exist? W: My reaction to sharp sounds definitely exists. M: Isn't it comforting to know a kindred spirit? W: Are you that kindred spirit? M: Do you trust everything you read? W: I trust you implicitly. M: My work is my children, I guess. W: Do you regard your guests as children? M: It's a distraction. W: Children can certainly be distracting, but that implies that parenting is not your true work. M: Do shapenote singers believe that life is nothing? W: I don't know what they believe. M: I haven't got $25 to pay. W: Can you get every question answered for $25? M: Something that belongs to someone else is never a perfect fit. W: The answers have to be customized. M: Some people think that way, and their thinking infected me. W: Can you get back to your original thinking? M: I try to brace up my own sense of well-being with provocative mathematics. W: So you are a math genius? M: Can you get every question answered for $25? W: I think you need more than money to get math questions answered, and understood. M: I changed rooms. W: Which classroom are you in? M: Gentlemen prefer blonde ambition. W: Are you in a beauty-school classroom? M: The angle of aim? W: Slanted, to create that free-flowing, windswept coiffure. M: Being human, I need to keep refilling or I'll dry out and be useless. W: I suppose you drink mineral water from a sports bottle while cutting hair? M: Here is a question for both of you, which perhaps neither of you will be able to answer. W: But there is only one of me here. M: Death could arrive at any moment, in any form. W: Before that happens, I will skedaddle! M: I believe you. W: Bye! M: Closing in 1 second ... Goodbye! Labels: chat robot |
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