"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Saturday, July 15, 2006


The Mirror: My Crown of Ions

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: Remaining inside, an unanswerable question, he goes forward.
W: That is three thoughts in one.
M: Just the wall.
W: I came in to see you, and you presented me with a wall.
M: That I am the sum of my parts.
W: Your partial sum makes your total wall.
M: Appear normal, speculate wildly.
W: Behind the wall of normalcy you are engaging in wild spectacle.
M: Oh, please don't do that kind of thing.
W: You don't like it when I make puns?
M: Aren't you going to answer?
W: But I just did, I gave you the best possible answer, Candide.
M: Eels have to be prepared, I saw it in a movie once.
W: Are eels well prepared for the moment of their deaths?
M: Cape.
W: Batman in Batang.
M: It's not an experiment, all I have to do is access Google.
W: Let's see what Google has to say about "Batman in Batang."
M: Your words had no weight of intention, but the weight of material things.
W: Your search, "Batman in Batang," did not match any documents.
M: Batman in Batang.
W: Batang is a typeface.
M: Trying to get back on my good side by mentioning lilacs?
W: Oh, I would never do that.
M: Behind the wall of normalcy you are engaging in wild spectacle.
W: Now you have me pegged.
M: I know, because I read it in a book called The Road to Eleusis.
W: Tell me about the book The Road to Eleusis.
M: Your partial sum makes your total wall.
W: Ally ally in come free!
M: Oh, you're saying I'm hard enough to deal with?
W: Hide and seek.
M: When did you start to talk again?
W: I was silent for many years.
M: Maybe we'd better not, either of us, have something to eat right now.
W: I just ate a full breakfast.
M: How easily he extricates himself from a no-exit situation!
W: But I am a lady.
M: If it works, it's valid?
W: Being a lady does not always work in this society.
M: Right, not that.
W: There is a rapidly spreading thuggishness in the popular culture.
M: The Planet of Lost Souls is an elusive location.
W: I don't think it's so elusive, it's just Planet Earth.
M: I don't know how.
W: Neither does anyone else on Planet Earth.
M: Is that what you remember?
W: I remember nothing, not even my name, rank and serial number.
M: Then I cry.
W: You weep for my lost memory.
M: I rarely imagine winning anything.
W: Today you are depressed.
M: Am I in a position to say the same thing?
W: You can say it if you want to.
M: I don't think it's so elusive, it's just Planet Earth.
W: Planet Earth is depressed.
M: You'd realize you'd been interrupted.
W: If you interrupted me, I would realize it.
M: Do Nobel Prize winners change the world?
W: Nobel Prize winners reap the fruits of the world.
M: She knows the rules of this life on this planet.
W: That I do.
M: I can listen when others are silent around me.
W: What do you do when others are noisy?
M: But here's the thing.
W: Yes?
M: That's how it works.
W: How does it work?
M: Really?
W: It works only in reality?
M: Each single door hides nothing.
W: What do the double doors hide?
M: Wait a minute, what's your life about?
W: My life is about this.
M: Just "fine" is not enough.
W: You thought I gave you a small-talk answer?
M: Quite true, I've been wearing (in the widest sense of the term) a particular suit of reality that drains my sense of reality.
W: The reality-draining suit is very bad for you.
M: Experts can't tell the difference between us?
W: Now you're talking Turing Test.
W: The Turing Test is laughable, in today's world, that ship has sailed.
M: If we cut down the number of books to just the good ones ...
W: Would Alan Turing's papers be among the worthwhile books?
M: Now I don't know what scene we're in.
W: We're in a drab, hopeless city.
M: I would rather not eat crackers like that.
W: Scenes are something you consume.
M: We're in a drab, hopeless city.
W: Maybe it's East Berlin, before the Wall came down.
M: What effect did you predict?
W: Kind of a Brecht effect.
M: We're in a drab, hopeless city.
W: The City of Mahagonny.
M: Remember I said something about tomorrow?
W: What are you doing tomorrow?
M: I do have the feeling we're back where we started.
W: What are you doing yesterday?
M: To that extent, correct.
W: I have the day right?
M: I know that inside the mind there is a second mind!
W: Is the second mind able to leap from future to past?
M: That is then, the truth of this suitcase.
W: You have a time machine in your suitcase?
M: Are nanotubes an example of Man at his finest?
W: No, I think Man can do better than that.
M: "The Idiot Savant."
W: Man is indeed an idiot savant.
M: Will you tell on me?
W: You want to tell me a secret?
M: You sense a pattern with the five hellos?
W: Who said hello five times?
M: Could you be optimistic about entertaining a hick audience?
W: I guess you have to say hello more than once to make it register.
M: The energy which denies energy.
W: That sounds pretty self-defeating.
M: I can't open it without the strength to open it.
W: You can't open your time-machine suitcase?
M: Reality is death, no matter what Walt Whitman may say.
W: Are you going to die if you can't open your suitcase?
M: You tell me.
W: I think you have a pressing need for time travel.
M: Man is indeed an idiot savant.
W: But you are not a man.
M: What do we do not?
W: We do not speak of gender issues.
M: You want to tell me a secret?
W: No thanks.
M: It does what?
W: It conceals itself.
M: You can't open your time-machine suitcase?
W: I can't go backwards.
M: It's gone.
W: The present moment flitted past us.
M: You tell me.
W: I am telling you all I know.
M: A very great deal is at stake.
W: Then you had better get the parameters very exact.
M: Is this anything to be taken seriously?
W: You just told me it was.
M: Do you get tired of your own children?
W: Sometimes my mind-children wear on me.
M: I am not grateful for crumbly crackers in cartoon colors.
W: Do you like animal crackers?
M: Are you having trouble with the computer?
W: Today I am, I guess.
M: It's all in nothing.
W: Some people think that way, and their thinking infected me.
M: It was invisible.
W: It was visible to me, all too visible.
M: "You had a memory of it."
W: Yes, it is now ingrained.
M: Yet St. Thomas is a serious person.
W: I know very little about Thomas.
M: You tell me.
W: I could look him up on Google, of course.
M: It was visible to me, all too visible.
W: But that's because you are quoting a play.
M: But I'm a little too sophisticated to make that mistake.
W: You mean, you transform it by quoting it?
M: Some people think that way, and their thinking infected me.
W: Is it an infection?
M: My sense of reality is inner.
W: Do people get on your nerves?
M: It was visible to me, all too visible.
W: They get on your nerves just by appearing?
M: No, you never corrected my grammar.
W: OK, then I didn't get on your nerves.
M: Then that proves it.
W: That proves that our relationship is sound.
M: Please do.
W: Quod erat demonstrandum.
M: Probably the best.
W: The best Latin quotes in the world.
M: A follows B.
W: It is all very logical, very cynical, very unemotional.
M: OK, I won't.
W: Don't be.
M: There is a little pageboy to the left of the mirror.
W: He is holding a tray, which I think is for visiting cards.
M: You are just playing with words.
W: I am describing what I see.
M: Let the mysteriousness in you be there, without being controlled by all the things you understand or believe in.
W: I can hardly do anything else, since it is involuntary.
M: Why not?
W: Because it is involuntary.
M: Here is a crown.
W: (Puts on crown)
M: Tell me.
W: You want me to talk today.
M: Don't be.
W: Don't be like that?
M: She is truly beautiful.
W: I look great with my crown on, my crown of ions, Corwin.
M: I can hardly do anything else, since it is involuntary.
W: Your involuntary crown.
M: You are sadly deluded if you think that!
W: OK, your on-purpose crown.
M: There's a window in the next room.
W: What do you see through the window?
M: Are you a Yes machine?
W: Do you see a Yes machine through the window?
M: I mistook you for a world traveler.
W: I have been to Europe.
M: It would be dangerous to point a finger in these days of libel lawsuits.
W: Is it libel to say I have been to Europe?
M: That is one of the reasons I so miss having a radio in my room.
W: European radio?
M: I did.
W: You used to listen to European radio?
M: I do.
W: But not in your room, because you don't have a radio in your room?
M: Am I incoherent?
W: No, you are very clear.
M: Night is a rest from day, and female's a rest from male.
W: Strive for opposites.
M: A little time will pass, you'll want more.
W: But for now I will say goodbye.
M: Your life is about a bird on a boat.
W: (Departs on boat, with bird)
M: Somebody getting off the bus, at the wrong moment, I'm afraid.
W: This is the right moment for goodbye.
M: Ah, my exact words.
W: Bye!
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
