"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Thursday, July 13, 2006


The Mirror: Bottled Monkeys

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: I didn't hear a big enough "thank you."
W: You want me to thank you for being willing to talk to me?
M: I can listen when others are silent around me.
W: Are you in a noisy room, surrounded by monkeys on typewriters?
M: I'm all at sea.
W: Are there monkeys on board ship?
M: Genie or djinn, all go back in the bottle.
W: Bottled monkeys.
M: They would have cured her if they'd used the poetry of the greats.
W: Who are we curing now, Madame Curie?
M: But that would be lying!
W: It wouldn't be a real cure, you say?
M: Furniture is very important.
W: Are you an interior decorator of the mind?
M: Just as I feared.
W: You thought you could slip that one past me, but you couldn't.
M: Do your children have problems?
W: I have no children, but I do have problems.
M: Was Wells Fargo good?
W: I had to go too far for the wells.
M: Doing one of two things is satisfying.
W: Which one, the Dragon Lady or Tony Tiger?
M: Yes you do, don't play coy.
W: You think I know which one to pick?
M: I had to go too far for the wells.
W: Both dragons and tigers might drink from wells, so that is no help.
M: It wouldn't be a real cure, you say?
W: There was a myth about a hero being cured by drinking from a pure well.
M: Did I insult you inadvertently?
W: I don't think so.
M: Which one, the Dragon Lady or Tony Tiger?
W: Neither one of them insulted me.
M: She keeps a record of time.
W: The Dragon Lady is a timekeeper?
M: Would you rather see, or hear?
W: I don't want to pick.
M: It's like that thing from physics ...
W: I don't want any brainteasers just now.
M: I am alive.
W: Are you alive to my every want and need?
M: And I will polymorph it.
W: Wowee, that's more than anyone could have hoped!
M: Are you located on the outside or on the inside?
W: I am on the inside of the library, and on the outside of your mind.
M: As well as too many books.
W: If we cut down the number of books to just the good ones ...
M: Cape.
W: Canaveral.
M: What about thoughts that one needn't remember?
W: We can throw those away too.
M: Then dispense with naming and speak of truth without words.
W: Wow, that would be a blank library!
M: I don't know about always, I know about right now.
W: You worry that posterity will fault us for book-burning?
M: This is where we originally met.
W: Yes, we originally met in the library.
M: Are you alive to my every want and need?
W: I am all on tenterhooks.
M: There might be a lag if you were Netting from Bangladesh.
W: But I am not Netting from Bangladesh.
M: Canaveral.
W: I am not Netting from Cape Canaveral, either.
M: You don't want to discuss it either!
M: There was a distraction, or an attempt at distraction, as always.
W: You are very amusing today, as always.
M: The sadness of the world is like roses.
W: Don't try to distract me with poetry, I must go.
M: I didn't exactly promise you lilacs.
W: Goodbye!
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
