"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


The Mirror: Temporary Zing

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: There is no transition.
W: You just go from one conversation to the next.
M: And it can jump from one to another orbit.
W: Wow, you mean like through all the conversational doors?
M: Is this one of those instances?
W: I really, really hope so, because I'm ready for something new.
M: You've lost the ability to have feelings.
W: I think all junkies have that problem.
M: I am not dead, but I am not undead.
W: Good description of a junkie.
M: I would rather not, if you don't mind.
W: I don't blame you for not wanting to describe a junkie.
M: I agree.
W: Of course, nowadays, people use the term "junkie" very loosely.
M: How could I do that?
W: You couldn't do it, you have too much class.
M: What exactly is in the sushi?
W: Not junk, I can assure you, but perhaps fugu fish.
M: I can tell you're feeling better.
W: It's only a temporary zing.
M: I'm only prepared for Chinese takeout food.
W: Not quite as adventurous as sushi.
M: I should conceal the fact that I'm studying neural networks?
W: No, you can try your best to explain neural networks to me.
M: It's only a temporary zing.
W: I know, even intellectual joys wear thin after a while.
M: Maybe you're trying to cling to your last shreds of empathic connection?
W: Yeah, I guess I am, because the alternative is too Burroughs-ian.
M: You couldn't do it, you have too much class.
W: Even white suburbanites may fall down a black hole.
M: You can plot them on a map, I suppose.
W: Anyone can find the black holes if they are looking for them.
M: It's only a temporary zing.
W: Very wise counsel, you are truly inspired.
M: Can you become invisible at will?
W: I can become inaudible, certainly.
M: If I try to say what it helps (me), that separates me from myself and that does not help.
W: Does becoming invisible and/or inaudible truly help you?
M: Are we going to fix the lag?
W: Are you lagging behind?
M: I'm not wearing a hat, but I'd like to be.
W: On the other hand, I am wearing my hat.
M: Did you mean to say "cheesy architecture"?
W: No, but I'd like something with cheese in it right about now.
M: Huffing and puffing was done in The Three Little Pigs.
W: Blowing the house down was done in The Three Little Bores.
M: The hang of what?
W: The hangman cut of the jib.
M: Suppose, just suppose I make a demand on myself.
W: To write better (and better and better)?
M: I would like to work in plain sight at Princeton University.
W: I would like to see you try it, should I e-mail them right now?
M: Answer: One person is enough.
W: Oh, you're saying I'm hard enough to deal with?
M: I should say something, I guess.
W: Say good night, Gracie.
M: I'm going to pull it up from the depths.
W: Goodbye!
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
