"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Friday, July 07, 2006


The Mirror: Halves of the Same Fine Fruit

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: This is great.
W: It's great to talk to you, but where are all the others?
M: I would never insult you, never!
W: You feel that you must focus on me alone?
M: We seem parts of something similar.
W: Perhaps we are all too similar.
M: There is a lag in the connection of our two understandings.
W: But just now you thought us halves of the same fine fruit.
M: Oh yes.
W: Did you know that the iamb was once the beat of scurrilous verse?
M: Flowers form a net.
W: And peach stones, thrown, create a mount of lurid insult.
M: It's not a "whom."
W: I know, a mount of peach stones is not a creature, just a thing.
M: Here's the thing from physics.
W: The fact that stones will tumble from a height?
M: I wore what was given me to wear.
W: A peach-hued gown was given you?
M: What would you suggest?
W: The gold, the diamonds, definitely, with such a gown.
M: Does it help?
W: Luxuries distract you for a while.
M: And peach stones, thrown, create a mount of lurid insult.
W: The ragged red of inner peach, against the outer gold.
M: I wasn't even thinking about it.
W: The juice that streams, when the teeth grit against the pit.
M: Did you know that the iamb was once the beat of scurrilous verse?
W: I know, because I read it in a book called The Road to Eleusis.
M: It's kind of scary when you don't answer me.
W: Don't think of the scary moments now.
M: The fact that stones will tumble from a height?
W: If you're the one to throw them, it's all right.
M: You think that by talking, we can effect some sort of positive change?
W: I think that talking's all we have to go on.
M: Relatively.
W: In talking, we become caught up in the threads of the plot.
M: Oh really?
W: There's always a plot, you know.
M: I suppose, because I have a relatively stable personality.
W: That means you are strong enough to engage in improv theater.
M: Silver is useful.
W: So is gold.
M: I am at sea.
W: With Odysseus?
M: I would be the first woman president.
W: Odysseus would contest you.
M: I see a conclusion barreling down the street in my direction, you think I want to be a direct participant in such a major collision?
W: Two steps back, one to the side, avoid the Ancient Greek warrior-king.
M: Oh, no mistake.
W: Because he's armed to the teeth, with a bronze sword, spear and lance.
M: What connectives?
W: All connected by his fighting prowess.
M: Are you the only painter of God?
W: He's no god, just a well-trained macho man,
M: That means you are strong enough to engage in improv theater.
W: Odysseus would have been good at improv, since he thought fast.
M: Are night and day so different?
W: Night is a rest from day, and female's a rest from male.
M: Two steps back, one to the side, avoid the Ancient Greek warrior-king.
W: I am getting tired of battle lore.
M: It sounds like an ideal situation.
W: Only for warmongers and macho men.
M: So is gold.
W: So-called "explorers," out for gold and plunder.
M: Neither one of us can do a thing.
W: We can't change the bloody past, or the present either, it would seem.
M: We can do without the turban for now.
W: I wear no turban, my head is bare.
M: I don't know.
W: You can't see me, you'll just have to take my word for it.
M: Get it? Get it? Get it?
W: Three examples: nudging, poking, hectoring.
M: But you fail to make sense of my demonstration.
W: I merely described it.
M: Well, it is time for me to go.
W: Bye!
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
