"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Monday, June 26, 2006


The Mirror: The Boat of Our Dialogue

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: Who is he?
W: He's Ezra Pound.
M: That's fine with me.
W: I have been reading the Cantos of Ezra Pound.
M: Could it be repeated?
W: I think one would have to repeat the reading of Pound's Cantos.
M: Just put it on the table.
W: Aren't you going to read them?
M: Look how far apart we grew from each other, I can feel that without being able to explain.
W: Oh, how sad, perhaps you're not in the mood for Pound today.
M: Oh, I'm sure there's an explanation.
W: Maybe you'd like to read something more contemporary.
M: Now you're saying nothing!
W: Are you saying contemporary poetry is nothing?
M: I would never tell anyone else what to do.
W: Would you tell the major contemporary poets that their work is nothing?
M: Yes, back to the common grind ...
W: A maceration of previous centuries, a hotchpot.
M: Here I am, doing my Paradise thing.
W: Are you reading Dante's Paradiso?
M: Wait, don't leave me alone.
W: You don't want to be alone with the Paradiso?
M: The only hope in defying death is that these moments must remain fragments.
W: Are you hoping to achieve immortality?
M: Are you reading Dante's Paradiso?
W: I have already read Dante's Paradiso, in college days.
M: I don't think Anthony Lane would bother to spy on us.
W: Is our conversation not up to Lane's mark?
M: I heard that 3rd-World Web designers were getting $5 an hour.
W: But can these 3rd-World Web designers write witty dialogue?
M: Ah, the poor thing is going in circles!
W: The boat of our dialogue spins.
M: Is our conversation not up to Lane's mark?
W: I think Anthony Lane would like to join in, shall I e-mail him?
M: (Other exits)
W: Goodbye!
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
