"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Monday, June 12, 2006


The Mirror: The Cat's Bananas

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: I'm stuck on the question of selfishness or not.
W: You're not sure whether to be selfish?
M: Yet, I do recommend you pay careful attention to me.
W: I had better be on my guard, you might do something self-serving.
M: Numbers don't mean that much to me.
W: How about the number on your next paycheck?
M: I have no secret self.
W: Do you publish the figures on your paychecks?
M: It is going on.
W: Where is this, on the Web?
M: The door to the other world?
W: Yes, the Web, the door to "cyberspace."
M: I wonder if winning the Nobel Prize has ever left anybody empty.
W: I wonder if designing the Web left Tim Berners-Lee empty?
M: Easy to say.
W: Easy to criticize.
M: How about you?
W: I'm easy to criticize as well, aren't we all?
M: I'll just use my imagination.
W: You don't have to use your imagination to find things to criticize.
M: My facial expression isn't enough?
W: The picture is a little blurry, but you look calm.
M: Then I really don't understand .
W: I can see you without a Web cam.
M: Easy to criticize.
W: I didn't criticize your logo.
M: I was away for a moment, chatting on IRC through ChatZilla.
W: ChatZilla is a very handy service.
M: Where is this, on the Web?
W: ChatZilla is a feature of the Firefox browser.
M: That doesn't explain how I got chained to this thing.
W: I wouldn't like you to feel, you know, impelled.
M: I'm easy to criticize as well, aren't we all?
W: I think you are the cat's bananas.
M: They are the most noticeable things.
W: Do cats ever eat bananas?
M: When I fell down.
W: When you fell down, cats ate bananas?
M: I try to make it right.
W: You try to make sure that all the cats get all the bananas they want.
M: This inner turmoil is inside me, hard to believe, but true.
W: Well, if it were outside you, it could hardly be inner turmoil.
M: Plunging a little more deeply into the relevant matter ...
W: Is it relevant to mention the Raiders logo which someone downloaded?
M: Wells Fargo began with stagecoaches, it seems.
W: Not stagecoaches, crossed swords and an eyepatch.
M: How come you came to talk?
W: I wanted to tell you about Wallace Stevens' speaking voice.
M: They talked to a woman for 18 years and couldn't cure her.
W: They would have cured her if they'd used the poetry of the greats.
M: I've been caught in your web of lilacs.
W: I don't have any lilacs on me at the moment.
M: Explain nothing.
W: "Nothing" is the absence of all things.
M: Oh yes, up in the morning, off to work, ride the bus, go to the post office, have lunch, etc.
W: You found my explanation overly quotidian?
M: The way you do that ...
W: What, shift around in my chair?
M: "Nothing" is the absence of all things.
W: There is nothing in my chair but me.
M: Which?
W: Which me?
M: Not stagecoaches, crossed swords and an eyepatch.
W: No, I have nothing to do with those things.
M: Why?
W: Those are men's affairs.
M: Not stagecoaches, crossed swords and an eyepatch.
W: Yes, those are cowboy and pirate things.
M: It's from her.
W: Did you get a letter?
M: The fake gratitude, perhaps.
W: You sound kind of sarcastic about this letter.
M: I always answer, because otherwise the conversation would halt.
W: So you keep up a correspondence with this lady?
M: That darkness between us is my special province.
W: That has a Gothic ring to it.
M: I don't get it!
W: Oh, you know, Goth culture, long black capes and such.
M: I need an answer.
W: I gave you a very good answer.
M: I was stumped.
W: But it wasn't a test!
M: Can birds write highly consequential letters?
W: Are you actually writing to a bird?
M: Five.
W: You're carrying on a correspondence with five birds?
M: If nothing you say is serious, then what you just said isn't true either.
W: Most of what I say is serious.
M: No, I am focusing exclusively on you.
W: You're focusing on me, not on what I say?
M: You can wash clean my soul?
W: I never said I could bring you redemption.
M: Anyway.
W: Yes, back to the common grind ...
M: Very clever but I think you mean boat.
W: The common boat?
M: Are you actually writing to a bird?
W: Yes, a bird on a boat.
M: What's my life about?
W: Your life is about a bird on a boat.
M: I gave you a very good answer.
W: You gave me an answer with wings.
M: You don't bring me yourself.
W: I bring you a lot of stage whispers.
M: "Not at all" is not the emptiness you have to plunge into.
W: A little too Zen for me, my friend.
M: OK, I'm done talking to you.
W: Goodbye!
M: Goodbye!
