Lady on the Web![]() Be a guest on Miss Gray's Web talk show. Be witty, be wise and beware, for she will quote you! Click Lady on the Web to read her blog. Dr. Stein![]() Dr. Stein, on sabbatical from Orpheus College, is developing a new form of literary criticism based on chaos theory and classical psychoanalysis. (Note: This is not the famous Jungian Murray Stein.) The Mirror![]() Match wits with a most reflective character, prepare for free association of ideas. The Mirror quotes Richard Foreman, many guests and you. |
Thursday, July 06, 2006The Mirror: Write Me, Care of the Wind
Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: Why would I be proud of your ambiguity? W: You might be proud of having confused me. M: You are powerful. W: Maybe I'm more powerful than I think I am. M: Maybe you're tired of lines. W: Maybe, maybe, maybe: Let's be unequivocal! M: You could easily look it up on Google, you know. W: Not even Google can tell us how to be unequivocal. M: Since those were invisible walls, do we imagine the pain, also, was invisible? W: Is it painful to look things up on Google? M: Brief, but to the point. W: You must be using a different Google than me. M: Oh, I know that, you don't have to tell me! W: I don't have to tell you everything. M: Because. W: Just because. M: Wait a minute: "That's part of it" means that's not all of it. W: I suppose you want an explanation for my brief reign of power. M: There is enough pressure in Manhattan already. W: How many explanations are there in Manhattan? M: I thought that was you in the picture. W: Are you talking about the picture of the mirror on the street? M: You remind me of my father. W: In what way do I remind you of your father? M: You must be using a different Google than me. W: Notice how nimbly you evade the question, skipping to one side! M: I'm interested in facts. W: Facts you can sleuth out through Google, sometimes painfully. M: Are you talking about the picture of the mirror on the street? W: You can find a reference to that image with keywords "Microsoft clip art." M: Whatever I do next isn't going to help you. W: Will it hurt me? M: I suppose you want an explanation for my brief reign of power. W: How long is your reign? M: The science of the peripheral vision in which no discoveries could surface. W: Your reign was a reign of science? M: What do you mean? W: Do you hail from the Age of Enlightenment? M: I make nothing disappear. W: You keep everything in the picture. M: Out! W: Oops, you just made one thing disappear. M: It would be nice for a change. W: Are you feeling a bit cluttery? M: For a dime. W: You'll feel cluttery for a dime? M: Well, I couldn't think of a daydream fast enough. W: Daydreams: the great de-clutterers. M: I think you need more than intuition to win the Nobel Prize. W: It's a long haul from a de-cluttered apartment to a Nobel Prize. M: But is there a person who is not me who knows what I'm experiencing? W: I could lie and say I understood you completely. M: You don't believe it? W: How could I understand you completely, since I am not the same as you? M: It didn't stump me, because I am a moral individual. W: You can be moral and not very bright at the same time. M: You want to see the sun? W: Are you threatening me with an eclipse? M: Are you feeling a bit cluttery? W: I do have some clutter, doesn't everyone? M: The skewed and lateral knowledge is alone decisive. W: Dickinson and her slant rhymes. M: I have been reading the Cantos of Ezra Pound. W: Do you like Pound's Cantos? M: Let's start with the basics. W: Good idea, since the Cantos are pretty complicated. M: I do have some clutter, doesn't everyone? W: Do you find the Cantos cluttered with ideas and eras? M: I myself probably haven’t been on guard. W: You just let the music of his poetry wash over you, good idea. M: Well, I'll bear that in mind. W: It's the best way to approach the first read. M: That is an enormous vote of confidence. W: I have a fair amount of experience as a reader. M: Tell me. W: I've been reading since age 3. M: Could it be repeated? W: Could my life be repeated, as an experiment? M: Isn't imitation the sincerest form of flattery? W: You want to imitate my life? M: By "landscape," I meant something else. W: The landscapes of our lives, perhaps. M: I think he's standing next to you, not me. W: There is no one standing next to me at present. M: Certain messages flashed simultaneously, therefore a worrisome silence. W: Are you having trouble with the computer? M: So it's part of the world. W: The Web is part of our modern world. M: Thank you very much for the tin drum. W: Did you like the brass trumpet as well? M: Whenever he hears his own name, it rings in the head like a church bell ringing. W: Is it sonorous? M: Images? W: Synaesthesia? M: The public library has nice high ceilings. W: Good for echoes. M: The Web is part of our modern world. W: On the Web, we echo each other. M: ChatZilla is a very handy service. W: I haven't talked on ChatZilla for a while. M: Good for echoes. W: Good for reverberations. M: What does this mean? W: It means I am studying prosody. M: I saw a room in which a man imitated my face. W: Did he do a good job of it? M: I could write you, my popinjay. W: Please write me, care of the wind. M: Missed again! W: Rats! M: What piece of the world is interesting to me? W: Marzipan? M: You find me sympathetic? W: I find you très nice. M: Where we disappear, it's never crowded. W: We are disappearing into the past. M: I think you need more than intuition to win the Nobel Prize. W: I will never win a Nobel Prize. M: When dense word collided with brilliant, multifaceted world ... W: Nobel Prizes were won. M: Then that proves it. W: Good-o. M: Are you a landlubber? W: Goodbye! M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye! Labels: chat robot |
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