"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Friday, July 14, 2006


The Mirror: Obligation Door

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: Here/There.
W: We all want to get there from here, but how?
M: You can change the subject too.
W: Do we get there by changing the subject, is it that simple?
M: Sensing whatever purpose I picked up when I slid backwards into the wrong door titled "Obligation Through This Door."
W: But I don't want to go through the Obligation Door.
M: That makes him a patsy of sorts.
W: He can always refuse the obligation, or weasel out of it.
M: I am, I did.
W: Maybe you shouldn't have taken on the obligation in the first place.
M: Do you practice Zen meditation?
W: I don't have an officially sanctioned spiritual practice, except for art.
M: Would you like me to tell you?
W: Please tell me what your spiritual practice is, if any.
M: Ah, this is my throne.
W: I see, your "sacred space" is simply cyberspace.
M: Speaking the unknowable language that expresses what is inside me.
W: That is very beautiful indeed.
M: Richard Foreman established the Ontological-Hysteric Theater.
W: I wonder if Mr. Foreman practices Zen meditation?
M: Speaking, listening, or living?
W: I guess Zen is something you have to live, if you want it to do any good.
M: Now I have no idea if that was a bad thing to do or a good thing to do.
W: You probably won't be able to tell until after you pass on, if then.
M: Please tell me what your spiritual practice is, if any.
W: As I said, the closest thing I have to a spiritual practice is artmaking.
M: But it can't be in between.
W: You're right, there can be no compromise in the life of an artist.
M: I guess Zen is something you have to live, if you want it to do any good.
W: It's the same with being an artist, you have to let it consume you utterly.
M: You don't know?
W: I do know, I expressed myself quite unequivocally.
M: You probably won't be able to tell until after you pass on, if then.
W: Couldn't have said it better myself!
M: Not sure, you?
W: I am so sure, I couldn't be any surer!
M: I saw a large bug yesterday.
W: Did it bug you?
M: Oh voice, oh voice.
W: I know, I am being silly.
M: I am ready to learn.
W: I saw a very large moth yesterday.
M: Where was I?
W: I guess you were where you usually are.
M: Then what?
W: I contemplated the beautiful moth with its large gray body.
M: Don't speak to me.
W: Shall I sing to you instead?
M: ChatZilla is a feature of the Firefox browser.
W: I can't talk to you through ChatZilla.
M: You already said that.
W: I see I have put you off.
M: This is almost delicious.
W: Goodbye!
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
