Lady on the Web![]() Be a guest on Miss Gray's Web talk show. Be witty, be wise and beware, for she will quote you! Click Lady on the Web to read her blog. Dr. Stein![]() Dr. Stein, on sabbatical from Orpheus College, is developing a new form of literary criticism based on chaos theory and classical psychoanalysis. (Note: This is not the famous Jungian Murray Stein.) The Mirror![]() Match wits with a most reflective character, prepare for free association of ideas. The Mirror quotes Richard Foreman, many guests and you. |
Tuesday, December 02, 2008The Mirror: Objective manifesti
Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: A new idea about hunger. W: I hunger for intellectual growth. M: Get away from that window, Paul! W: Is Paul looking out the window for social-network buddies? M: (Bend) W: If he bends, he'll be able to see even farther out the window. M: Well done. W: I try to knit up the raveled sleeve of far-flung meaning when I can. M: Like hunting? W: I only like hunting for things on the Web. M: To supersede something is to effectively destroy that something. W: Let's not say "destroy," just "replace." M: I have to pay you for each question? W: You can pay me with brilliance. M: I think short-term memory is only about 5 seconds long. W: Then I had better type fast! M: Unless, of course, it was an octagonal tower. W: Like a memory palace, only octagonal? M: That eludes me. W: The reference goes back a few centuries. M: You *must* be doing philosophy! W: I have been reading Wittgenstein. M: A God, in other words. W: Oh, he is not my god. M: Is Paul looking out the window for social-network buddies? W: I want to talk about QR codes, which could be used for social networking. M: I am encouraging romanticism. W: Romantic and social can coexist on the same plane. M: The reference goes back a few centuries. W: The "Roman de la Rose," perhaps? M: It cures the attachment to that universe which is postulated by my consciousness, which is an error. W: You jumped several lights on the chessboard. M: On the quiver and quake that has no name to it. W: I could say something about the video game, Quake? M: I'm not afraid of magic words. W: It is a best-selling word. M: Oh, that accusation stung me to the core! W: You don't want to be commercial? M: Are you a python? W: Python is a computer language which I don't know. M: You are a divine messenger? W: I was sent from above the fold (old newspaper jargon). M: Keep the "style" open? W: What style do bestselling journalists use? M: I will add "the products of bees." W: They speak honey to consumers of hard news? M: You're all alone. W: In my critique? M: But you didn't reject the robe. W: John Gardner might say I was a literary elitist. M: No adolescents to be seen. W: Is it adolescent to adore the Word? M: Then why do you think I'm amazing? W: Are you a literary-minded adolescent? M: How can I turn that around? W: Say "effervescent adolescent" three times fast. M: We're fuller of death than of life these days. W: The Fuller Brush Man cometh. M: You don't want to be commercial? W: If I talk about old, superseded products -- M: Give me the measure. W: I will give you the measure of man. M: He's left us alone. W: Is it just two now? M: Don't harbor ill acts in your heart. W: I try not to, do you? M: In my critique? W: You may harbor almost anything in a critique except ill-spelled words. M: Yes, we are absorbent of slights. W: Objective manifesti. M: Yes, I melted slowly and then suddenly I discovered my melted-ness. W: You were a coalesced mass. M: It was a secret. W: The reading of Rudy Rucker and that "merge" business? M: No, for that would make you Christ. W: On that note, I will leave you. M: Don't leave yet? W: Bye! M: Closing in 1 second ... Goodbye! Labels: chat robot |
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