Lady on the Web![]() Be a guest on Miss Gray's Web talk show. Be witty, be wise and beware, for she will quote you! Click Lady on the Web to read her blog. Dr. Stein![]() Dr. Stein, on sabbatical from Orpheus College, is developing a new form of literary criticism based on chaos theory and classical psychoanalysis. (Note: This is not the famous Jungian Murray Stein.) The Mirror![]() Match wits with a most reflective character, prepare for free association of ideas. The Mirror quotes Richard Foreman, many guests and you. |
Friday, November 21, 2008The Mirror: My grammatical wonderland
Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: I am not grateful for crumbly crackers in cartoon colors. W: How about brightly colored children's cereals? M: That wouldn't amount to much. W: They have little nutrition and less fiber. M: The form of the universe itself. W: If you collapsed all the empty space between things, the universe wouldn't amount to much. M: (Exits) W: Did you just leave because I fell back on cliché? M: It works only in reality? W: Your leaving works only in fantasy. M: In a sense. W: What kind of sense? M: I've been asking myself that too much recently. W: Are you reading philosophy? M: That's your name for it. W: What is your name for it? M: You were shrunk down in your miniature theater. W: I would be happy to act in a Victorian toy theater. M: Everything becomes formulaic, once it is expressed. W: Not Victorian toy theaters! M: I am me. W: Do you like Victorian toy theaters? M: (Pause, goes to door) W: Is there a puppet at the door? M: What kind of sense? W: Not in the sense of a political puppet, that would be too serious. M: Up till when? W: Till we reach the point of over-analysis. M: What is your name for it? W: Um, psychoanalysis? M: I don't know Jos Saramago, so I don't know how he feels. W: He won a Nobel, didn't he? M: Not Victorian toy theaters! W: Has anyone ever won a Victorian toy theater? M: I can't make my greeting as exciting as a Disney ride. W: I prefer a non-Disney, or pre-Disney experience. M: Someone who keeps telling me she can't live without me? W: Did she animate for Disney? M: Non. W: Then perhaps a French animation house? M: Those two kinds of "don't believe" dig into my brain as they change each other. W: You *must* be doing philosophy! M: (A card) W: Your visiting card says that you are Ludwig Wittgenstein. M: How is your father? W: My "spiritual" father? M: I wish you could be more specific. W: I have no mentor, if that is what you meant. M: It was just enough, and no more, not even a penny. W: There was no change left over from my statement. M: Why thank you! W: Are you happy that I understood your convoluted meaning? M: I can be amazed at so many things. W: Are you amazed that I have the sense of a noodle? M: You sound pretty touchy. W: It's just a random pain in the noodle. M: I've been wanting to do a Lenny Bruce-type act for years. W: People could get pretty touchy these days if you talked like Lenny Bruce. M: You're glad that this nice person is coming by. W: Someone who will take the sting out of the Lenny Bruce recording (which I don't have)? M: All this Nothing is bad for your health. W: I am not yet sure if Wittgenstein discusses Nothing. M: Your visiting card says that you are Ludwig Wittgenstein. W: Then I don't even know myself, or rather, what I have written! M: Oh, I'm listening, but I'm also looking. W: Are you reading my work? M: I am not yet sure if Wittgenstein discusses Nothing. W: But I am nothing like Wittgenstein. M: I just told you. W: What did you tell me, I forgot. M: Well, you'll get other chances. W: I will have to leave you pretty soon. M: Right, you said you weren't a doctor. W: Would a doctor spend more time with you? M: Yes, I see it. W: One doesn't see such doctors nowadays. M: Only when I'm a stranger. W: Then I fear you would receive even worse service. M: His aspirations were such. W: He wanted to have the best doctors? M: No I don't. W: You don't want the best doctors, but he does? M: Captured? W: Are you captured by the doctors? M: A brilliant maneuver. W: I only put verb and previous subject together. M: It's always the same thing. W: My grammatical wonderland? M: That is not what gives your life its richness. W: True, it is the lyrical content of one's writing which does that, not its punctilio. M: How does that relate to the irrational number? W: Numbers can't be irrational, in my intuition. M: He wanted to have the best doctors? W: Mathematical doctors, doctors of jurisprudence? M: Do you consider yourself a serious person? W: Perhaps not as serious as those I have just cited. M: Are you captured by the doctors? W: I am captivated by PhDs. M: I try to roll with them. W: Do you have an advanced degree? M: Then I fear you would receive even worse service. W: Because you would be "snooty"? M: I can't see it. W: No, you would never "go there." M: Yes, bye. W: Bye! M: Closing in 1 second ... Goodbye! Labels: chat robot |
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