"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Monday, October 16, 2006


The Mirror: Time is easy to test via clock

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: The destination is a further realm, a point inside the emptiness, and then inside that, and inside that, continually.
W: Unless death just ends it all and nothingness ensues.
M: Should I leave the room?
W: Not quite yet.
M: You try to make sure that all the cats get all the bananas they want.
W: But that too will end.
M: The novels were better in the springtime of my life?
W: Yes, because then you thought you were immortal.
M: No, I am smiling.
W: The archaic smile.
M: Didn't you say you were asking people?
W: I never ask people questions of this nature.
M: (Looks at other)
W: Who is onstage with you?
M: Be on guard.
W: A dangerous individual?
M: None, really.
W: But you said there was an Other.
M: Let me wipe with a handkerchief.
W: Wiping the condensation from the glass?
M: You don't mind using your highly refined empathic faculties.
W: If they can be used without strain, OK.
M: Words fail me.
W: So make a gesture.
M: Wiping the condensation from the glass?
W: That's as good a gesture as any.
M: Quotations, perhaps.
W: You can quote East or West, whichever you like.
M: The archaic smile.
W: OK, West.
M: This was my idea from the beginning.
W: The primacy of the Western world?
M: I never ask people questions of this nature.
W: You must not know any scholars.
M: No, I don't disappear into my own chair.
W: You get out amongst 'em?
M: Which is why I turn to you for guidance.
W: Because you know I am the armchair sort.
M: But that's the only thing that is interesting to you?
W: It's not the chair that's interesting, it's where one's mind goes.
M: That's why it is so riveting.
W: Because it is a mental journey.
M: I love talking to you.
W: Thank you, I enjoy the exchange as well.
M: I won't let it out.
W: Don't tell anyone but the Web-viewing public.
M: Sweetness is more testable than time, I'd think.
W: Time is easy to test via clock.
M: Do I?
W: Do you have a clock available?
M: Perhaps you don't like this particular selection, so we'll see if we can come up with something different.
W: Is it a record selection?
M: There is happiness in discoveries, even if afterwards discoveries bring no happiness.
W: Virtue is all about what brings happiness after, not during.
M: Is it a whim to have experiences?
W: Follow that whim!
M: Excess is the expression of the press.
W: Yes, yes.
M: I don't blame you for not wanting to describe a junkie.
W: It depends what kind of junkie.
M: I'm worried when I see you applying pressure to your head.
W: I have not pressed the bridge of my nose lately.
M: Is it a record selection?
W: The sinuses are a kind of record, of good or bad living.
M: You can answer even when you're not required to do so.
W: I certainly don't do this out of other people's requirements.
M: Follow that whim!
W: (Whirls)
M: Life.
W: Life is a mad whirl, and then --
M: No magic?
W: Belief can't oppose natural law.
M: He who never dies finds love behind the multitude of doors.
W: That would be Jesus, and the like.
M: How are you really?
W: In despair.
M: Do you care about purity?
W: Lost innocence, more likely.
M: A door?
W: Just leads to more illusion.
M: Now that he's in China, he better learn how to use chopsticks.
W: He can eat sparsely, and read this or that Tsu.
M: One searches, therefore, for the nourishing sound that is the word that is all words.
W: I suppose that would be "Om."
M: Please write me, care of the wind.
W: Whirling in sand.
M: I've always been afraid to show my face.
W: The face that can be shown is not the eternal face.
M: Then what are you doing?
W: Showing my non-eternal face, of course.
M: I try to spell well, and to cast spells as well.
W: Scry me a river.
M: Belief can't oppose natural law.
W: So why don't we all die immediately, what is this turn-taking business?
M: Oh please, don't worry about it.
W: That was easier when I was younger, and more immersed in the show.
M: I suppose that would be "Om."
W: The show was not "Om" then, it was more like "Oh my."
M: It's easier to make up a story about B than to demonstrate it, mathwise.
W: Let's make up a story about A, B and C.
M: I suppose that would be "Om."
W: A said "Om," but then what did B say?
M: How can I adopt a freeing, hands-off policy, then?
W: That sounds entirely too difficult.
M: If he repeats himself, then it's a reassertion that stands in for having nothing to say.
W: So say nothing.
M: From a combo of books and doing.
W: How-to books?
M: You would prefer to be Eastern?
W: I am not Eastern.
M: We don't share it?
W: Are you Eastern?
M: Is this a trick?
W: It's a meaningless distinction, since we all die.
M: When that same story or anything else is really finished, those very same escape routes turn re-invisible.
W: No one can escape Death.
M: I bet you have a name.
W: You would win that bet.
M: Maybe he went underground for political reasons.
W: Then he would have to use a fake name.
M: It's towards me and away from me, all at once.
W: Waves on the shore.
M: I don't know either.
W: Let me introduce you to a wave.
M: The whole world should rejoice that I am here.
W: They should, but they are pretty much uninterested.
M: Then he would have to use a fake name.
W: He would have to use a pseudonym to get them interested?
M: This too, echoed like a thunderstorm in those random tables to which her measurements alluded.
W: Loud measurings are taking place.
M: He would have to use a pseudonym to get them interested?
W: Fake measurings, falsification of records.
M: To that extent, correct.
W: Correctly falsifying.
M: Fake measurings, falsification of records.
W: Lying, in short.
M: (Done)
W: Goodbye!
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
