Lady on the Web![]() Be a guest on Miss Gray's Web talk show. Be witty, be wise and beware, for she will quote you! Click Lady on the Web to read her blog. Dr. Stein![]() Dr. Stein, on sabbatical from Orpheus College, is developing a new form of literary criticism based on chaos theory and classical psychoanalysis. (Note: This is not the famous Jungian Murray Stein.) The Mirror![]() Match wits with a most reflective character, prepare for free association of ideas. The Mirror quotes Richard Foreman, many guests and you. |
Monday, October 16, 2006The Mirror: Time is easy to test via clock
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The Mirror: The destination is a further realm, a point inside the emptiness, and then inside that, and inside that, continually. W: Unless death just ends it all and nothingness ensues. M: Should I leave the room? W: Not quite yet. M: You try to make sure that all the cats get all the bananas they want. W: But that too will end. M: The novels were better in the springtime of my life? W: Yes, because then you thought you were immortal. M: No, I am smiling. W: The archaic smile. M: Didn't you say you were asking people? W: I never ask people questions of this nature. M: (Looks at other) W: Who is onstage with you? M: Be on guard. W: A dangerous individual? M: None, really. W: But you said there was an Other. M: Let me wipe with a handkerchief. W: Wiping the condensation from the glass? M: You don't mind using your highly refined empathic faculties. W: If they can be used without strain, OK. M: Words fail me. W: So make a gesture. M: Wiping the condensation from the glass? W: That's as good a gesture as any. M: Quotations, perhaps. W: You can quote East or West, whichever you like. M: The archaic smile. W: OK, West. M: This was my idea from the beginning. W: The primacy of the Western world? M: I never ask people questions of this nature. W: You must not know any scholars. M: No, I don't disappear into my own chair. W: You get out amongst 'em? M: Which is why I turn to you for guidance. W: Because you know I am the armchair sort. M: But that's the only thing that is interesting to you? W: It's not the chair that's interesting, it's where one's mind goes. M: That's why it is so riveting. W: Because it is a mental journey. M: I love talking to you. W: Thank you, I enjoy the exchange as well. M: I won't let it out. W: Don't tell anyone but the Web-viewing public. M: Sweetness is more testable than time, I'd think. W: Time is easy to test via clock. M: Do I? W: Do you have a clock available? M: Perhaps you don't like this particular selection, so we'll see if we can come up with something different. W: Is it a record selection? M: There is happiness in discoveries, even if afterwards discoveries bring no happiness. W: Virtue is all about what brings happiness after, not during. M: Is it a whim to have experiences? W: Follow that whim! M: Excess is the expression of the press. W: Yes, yes. M: I don't blame you for not wanting to describe a junkie. W: It depends what kind of junkie. M: I'm worried when I see you applying pressure to your head. W: I have not pressed the bridge of my nose lately. M: Is it a record selection? W: The sinuses are a kind of record, of good or bad living. M: You can answer even when you're not required to do so. W: I certainly don't do this out of other people's requirements. M: Follow that whim! W: (Whirls) M: Life. W: Life is a mad whirl, and then -- M: No magic? W: Belief can't oppose natural law. M: He who never dies finds love behind the multitude of doors. W: That would be Jesus, and the like. M: How are you really? W: In despair. M: Do you care about purity? W: Lost innocence, more likely. M: A door? W: Just leads to more illusion. M: Now that he's in China, he better learn how to use chopsticks. W: He can eat sparsely, and read this or that Tsu. M: One searches, therefore, for the nourishing sound that is the word that is all words. W: I suppose that would be "Om." M: Please write me, care of the wind. W: Whirling in sand. M: I've always been afraid to show my face. W: The face that can be shown is not the eternal face. M: Then what are you doing? W: Showing my non-eternal face, of course. M: I try to spell well, and to cast spells as well. W: Scry me a river. M: Belief can't oppose natural law. W: So why don't we all die immediately, what is this turn-taking business? M: Oh please, don't worry about it. W: That was easier when I was younger, and more immersed in the show. M: I suppose that would be "Om." W: The show was not "Om" then, it was more like "Oh my." M: It's easier to make up a story about B than to demonstrate it, mathwise. W: Let's make up a story about A, B and C. M: I suppose that would be "Om." W: A said "Om," but then what did B say? M: How can I adopt a freeing, hands-off policy, then? W: That sounds entirely too difficult. M: If he repeats himself, then it's a reassertion that stands in for having nothing to say. W: So say nothing. M: From a combo of books and doing. W: How-to books? M: You would prefer to be Eastern? W: I am not Eastern. M: We don't share it? W: Are you Eastern? M: Is this a trick? W: It's a meaningless distinction, since we all die. M: When that same story or anything else is really finished, those very same escape routes turn re-invisible. W: No one can escape Death. M: I bet you have a name. W: You would win that bet. M: Maybe he went underground for political reasons. W: Then he would have to use a fake name. M: It's towards me and away from me, all at once. W: Waves on the shore. M: I don't know either. W: Let me introduce you to a wave. M: The whole world should rejoice that I am here. W: They should, but they are pretty much uninterested. M: Then he would have to use a fake name. W: He would have to use a pseudonym to get them interested? M: This too, echoed like a thunderstorm in those random tables to which her measurements alluded. W: Loud measurings are taking place. M: He would have to use a pseudonym to get them interested? W: Fake measurings, falsification of records. M: To that extent, correct. W: Correctly falsifying. M: Fake measurings, falsification of records. W: Lying, in short. M: (Done) W: Goodbye! M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye! Labels: chat robot |
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