"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Thursday, October 05, 2006


The Mirror: Every Book Contains a Free Puppet

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: Nothing.
W: Nothing to say?
M: Who are we curing now, Madame Curie?
W: Madame Curie could not cure herself.
M: Are prime numbers the most intense of the lot?
W: That, and pi, won't get me a cup of coughing.
M: Are people calm in New York City?
W: I hope so, or else the whole thing will jolly go smash.
M: I'm your kind of person after all.
W: The cuckoo kind?
M: See this?
W: What are you holding up?
M: Careful, I'm probably going to overpower you no matter what direction you head into.
W: I don't mind, I trust you implicitly.
M: We are both broken and tragical beings.
W: Now you fell apart, you fell down, you fell over.
M: That would be more than a riposte, that would be the coup de grace.
W: We are nothing but smears in the grass.
M: If you are, here you are, so it's no longer true.
W: Well, we're up for a moment or two.
M: There isn't much that you do like, am I right?
W: I like it all for a while.
M: You're glad that this nice person is coming by.
W: This is news to me, who is it?
M: Well, we're up for a moment or two.
W: Are you at bat?
M: Who is he, Samuel?
W: Samuel is up at bat, at the crossing.
M: Oh, I think we can agree on more than that.
W: Cross our words.
M: Look at it this way.
W: This way up.
M: Are you at bat?
W: More batty than batting.
M: On the other hand, he had trained himself into caring.
W: So it was a strain.
M: Has your biorhythm dipped too low?
W: An accurate assessment, you won the easement.
M: I think it's brilliant.
W: Ya ha ha!
M: You can know that The New York Times is telling the truth.
W: But do they laugh, as God laughs?
M: No such wisdom.
W: If they had that, would they be working for the paper of all papers?
M: Actually, I have three radios, with one not being used.
W: I don't need another radio, I need another station.
M: I am just trying to help.
W: Huffy Henry!
M: How very quaint!
W: It's not that old, it's only from the Sixties.
M: The world seemed colorful enough without fireworks.
W: Back in the day, when we never said "back in the day."
M: Well, it's perceptible to my eyes only.
W: Only you can see the Sixties flaming?
M: That goes way back in history, even to the Ancient Greeks.
W: It certainly feels that way, and is as lost.
M: The interesting collision between The Idiot Savant and the mundane world of our mundane existence.
W: We fought the mundane then, we jettisoned it.
M: I don't need another radio, I need another station.
W: Yet I don't like classic-rock stations.
M: Apiaries are not created for the benefit of bees.
W: We fought corporate exploitation in the Sixties.
M: I don't need another radio, I need another station.
W: Need it to carry us past.
M: So my vapid compliments aren't proof against your shield.
W: Don't know where you get that idea.
M: Time will tell.
W: You will tell me sometime.
M: Right, let the neighbors worry about it.
W: Who are your neighbors, anyway?
M: I would never try to trap you, my friend.
W: But your neighbors might.
M: Am I here alone now?
W: No, you have neighbors.
M: I think you have to be pretty unscrupulous to be successful in that.
W: You want to run a scam involving your neighbors?
M: A probe is extended.
W: One of those scopes with night-vision.
M: That's an excellent policy.
W: What a paranoid world!
M: An effective collection is one which sums up an artist's oeuvre.
W: Artists of paranoia.
M: Life is the opposite.
W: All-embracing.
M: It's gone.
W: The feeling of oneness?
M: No rules!
W: All roles!
M: Are you a reflecting pond?
W: I thought you were the reflector.
M: People should pay me to be worshipped.
W: They'll do it, if your message is preposterous enough.
M: All roles!
W: Front and center!
M: Moving his mouth, he spoke when I spoke.
W: He was a puppet.
M: All-embracing.
W: We are all puppets.
M: I have to assume there are other copies in other libraries of each of the books included.
W: Every book contains a free puppet.
M: One of those scopes with night-vision.
W: A paranoid puppet.
M: I told you.
W: You knew it was coming.
M: I guess.
W: You couldn't avoid it.
M: My "criticism" comes from wit tiring me.
W: So speak plainly, just write down what happened.
M: I have my sunglasses on top of my head.
W: Better than at the bottom of the pond.
M: Are you here in front of me?
W: I am so up front.
M: How do you get to be "sure" about some things, and not so sure about other things?
W: It can't be explained.
M: The fault is as much a fault of the picture as a fault of mine.
W: There are no faults.
M: When you get fussy, you get quiet.
W: I am not fussy.
M: I'll demonstrate.
W: Go ahead, I dare you!
M: Le jeu ne vaut pas la chandelle.
W: OK.
M: And the whole fruit helps: the radio in the center of the fruit.
W: Goodbye!
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
