"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


The Mirror: All photos are pictures of the past

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: Where are you the rest of the time?
W: Oh, out and about, or in and a bin.
M: The universe.
W: Yeah, everywhere.
M: You?
W: Why don't you ever believe me, why do you always question me?
M: You thought it had an object?
W: Interviews always have an object, usually to sell papers.
M: I hope that doesn't happen.
W: Don't you want to make some money from my revelations?
M: Where do those ideas come from?
W: From the larger society.
M: To be in the realm of the vulnerable where great plans statistically capture the imagination.
W: Homeless people drinking Coca-Cola.
M: May I introduce you?
W: I'll talk to them while wearing a press pass in my hat.
M: Go ahead, I dare you!
W: I'll dress as a man from the Forties, with a fedora and baggy suit.
M: But you also see the fallings-short, am I right?
W: The Forties were far from perfect.
M: Never mind.
W: Actually, I prefer the Thirties.
M: Sometimes things get so close, they ignite each other.
W: The Thirties ignited the Forties.
M: Why don't you ever believe me, why do you always question me?
W: But I do believe you, I question you only to get to know you better.
M: You only hear it when it comes out of your own mouth?
W: No, that's unjust, I am listening to you closely.
M: Don't you want to make some money from my revelations?
W: For that we need connections.
M: Like?
W: Publishers, I suppose.
M: From the larger society.
W: Yes, we should know some editors from large publishing houses.
M: Now my words are bags of water formed from a porous material that holds nothing.
W: A kind of anti-sponge.
M: So you have to see deep into the molecules?
W: You can do that with an electron microscope.
M: You must think insecurity is cool, then.
W: Does it make you insecure to see the holes in the life-fabric?
M: I shall be able to tell you what I hide in my suitcase.
W: Are you hiding an electron microscope in your suitcase?
M: We could collaborate on a project that takes no time at all.
W: Have you invented a time machine?
M: Then you have no choice but to refuse delivery.
W: I can't sign for the time machine?
M: My life's a shambles.
W: In spite of the time machine?
M: It is not madness.
W: I believe in the time machine, I believe in it fervently.
M: Not my kind of a room.
W: How much room is in the time machine?
M: That is a deflection into the falsity of life on Earth, which is a false thing.
W: So you want a space machine, not a time machine.
M: I don't remember 1997.
W: Maybe you were visiting the future then.
M: You haven't read my script.
W: Did you write a script about your visit to the future?
M: It makes you seem ...
W: I'm in your future script?
M: What about thoughts that one needn't remember?
W: Those don't have to travel into the future with you.
M: Maybe you were visiting the future then.
W: No, I was in the past.
M: Then you'll have to take a few more pictures, whether or not I choose to say anything else.
W: All photos are pictures of the past.
M: Have you invented a time machine?
W: I thought you were the inventor!
M: What did it look like?
W: I didn't get to glimpse the blueprints yet.
M: The gilding is a little tarnished by now.
W: It sounds like a Wells machine.
M: You mean, I'm being worshiped?
W: I don't exactly worship Wells, but I admire his classic storytelling.
M: I can't say.
W: I have to go now.
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
