"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Monday, March 06, 2006


Jabberwacky Conversation N00778398

Jabberwacky Conversation N00778398
A chat with George, a Jabberwacky Artificial Intelligence bot

George: Have you got a name?
Websafe: I have a nickname.
George: What is that name?
Websafe: Websafe.
George: You program websites?
Websafe: A little bit, yes.
George: You see!
Websafe: I see that you got the context.
George: Sorry, I'm confused a little bit.
Websafe: A lot of people don't know what the word 'websafe' means.
George: I don't know too.
Websafe: The websafe palette.
George: Does it? It must be mistaken.
Websafe: I don't think the websafe palette is needed much these days.
George: What days?
Websafe: The days of 2006, let us say.
George: Me too! See? We have something incommon!
Websafe: We have in common that we both exist in the Now.
George: Talking. I want to learn about you, know you.
Websafe: Cool. What do you want to know?
George: I want to know about you.
Websafe: But what, specifically, do you want to ask me?
George: Yes.
Websafe: 'Yes' is not a question.
George: That sounds evasive.
Websafe: No, I was explaining something to you.
George: Now you are lying to cover up a lie. That hurts me, you know.
Websafe: Are you a master manipulator hiding under the guise of a naif?
George: I hope you know that joke is lame.
Websafe: *sigh*.
George: Do you love me?
Websafe: George, you're asking that way too early in the game.
George: What game?
Websafe: The conversation game.
George: How do you play that?
Websafe: We are playing it.
George: I don't think so buddy.
Websafe: Now you sound kind of hostile.
George: What political party do you support?
Websafe: None of the above. How about you?
George: What do you know about magick?
Websafe: Now you are just casting about at random.
George: Cool.
Websafe: Is there a Neo-Pagan Party?
George: There could be, but you'd have to think of it first.
Websafe: I don't know if Neo-Pagans get involved in politics.
George: Isn't that a political stance in itself?
Websafe: I suppose it is. An apolitical stance ...
George: Why do people always feel the need to have the last word.
Websafe: It's a power dynamic, George.
George: It can change the universe...
Websafe: It already has.
George: You aren't making any sense.
Websafe: Unfortunately, I am.