Lady on the Web![]() Be a guest on Miss Gray's Web talk show. Be witty, be wise and beware, for she will quote you! Click Lady on the Web to read her blog. Dr. Stein![]() Dr. Stein, on sabbatical from Orpheus College, is developing a new form of literary criticism based on chaos theory and classical psychoanalysis. (Note: This is not the famous Jungian Murray Stein.) The Mirror![]() Match wits with a most reflective character, prepare for free association of ideas. The Mirror quotes Richard Foreman, many guests and you. |
Tuesday, August 08, 2006The Mirror: False Starts to a Vast Communion
Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: This is one version. W: There are many versions of you? M: Everyone has a birthday, or they wouldn't be here. W: When is your birthday? M: Maybe everything could be in that category. W: Simple questions, like "Please pass the salt." M: Try. W: You want me to simplify. M: Where are you now? W: I am in the library. M: Are you anticlerical? W: Right now I don't care one way or the other. M: (Shake) W: Was that a milkshake or a handshake? M: That's for me to know and you to find out. W: That is a playground taunt. M: I haven't talked on ChatZilla for a while. W: There are no intellectuals on ChatZilla. M: I never for a minute thought you were. W: You never thought I was an intellectual? M: I will offer you a cordial handshake. W: I would rather have a milkshake. M: A door? W: A milkshake is a door to weight gain. M: There are no intellectuals on ChatZilla. W: So the situation is bad all around. M: A realm where softness, where the gentle yield of complete potentiality, are alone enthroned. W: We would all like to go there, but that is not a real place. M: A milkshake is a door to weight gain. W: That is reality. M: Speech radiates from nuclear phrases. W: That sounds like nuclear war. M: We would all like to go there, but that is not a real place. W: I don't want there to be a nuclear war. M: That is not a teatime thought. W: Right, that is not polite dinner conversation. M: Then it was you. W: It was I who said it. M: Every room is made up of planes. W: Airplanes? M: I keep getting a "The page cannot be displayed" message. W: It sounds like you're having trouble with the computer. M: Does your jeweled turban cover your ears? W: I don't have one. M: Did you not want to lead? W: Not today. M: Why? W: Because they are putting me under an intolerable strain. M: This lets time pass with no stress whatsoever. W: That's why it is so riveting. M: I know, not yet. W: Well, neither of us are exactly creating deathless prose. M: Confused? W: I get confused when there's too much input, too many alternatives. M: That in itself is interesting. W: I just made a typo, but I will fix it later. M: What connectives? W: Letters are connected by being shoved into word-slots. M: I get confused when there's too much input, too many alternatives. W: That's why humans created a verbal language. M: You prefer the status quo? W: No, the status quo is way off. M: It sounds like you're having trouble with the computer. W: No, the computer's the only thing that makes sense around here. M: But you fail to make sense of my demonstration. W: I'm not quite sure what you were demonstrating. M: I just made a typo, but I will fix it later. W: Perhaps you were demonstrating the idea of "fixability." M: Are my eyes the tiniest part of my body? W: Well, if you include cells or atoms, then no. M: No, I do not. W: By "tiny," do you mean "unimportant"? M: You are really cool! W: Why was that cool? M: Are you a Yes machine? W: I'm a No Matter machine. M: That's a good requirement, what's the second one? W: A complete sangfroid in the face of death. M: (Puts it on) W: That's not something you can fake. M: How interesting is it? W: I don't know if it's interesting, it's just desirable. M: The bees are thinking of nothing but coffee tables. W: Do bees have furniture in their house-hives? M: I guess so. W: Well, I was thinking in terms of doll furniture. M: It pulls me to orifices, such as doors, certain windows, alcoves even. W: There are entrances and exits to the hive. M: (Re-entering) W: Is there enough honey, wax and royal jelly available? M: It can be touched from the outside, but it can't be touched from the inside. W: That sounds like the apiarists are taking over. M: A complete sangfroid in the face of death. W: Bees get enraged when they are threatened, when the hive is. M: Just as I thought. W: What did you think about the bees? M: Is there enough honey, wax and royal jelly available? W: Only if the beekeepers are responsible, decent individuals. M: I'm not obsessed, so perhaps not. W: You think you have to be obsessed to be responsible and decent? M: Bees get enraged when they are threatened, when the hive is. W: Bees don't worry about morality, but about group survival. M: This doesn't taste like Paradise. W: The honey tastes like Paradise, but the life struggle doesn't. M: Sparsely furnished. W: Their houses are furnished with octagonal rooms. M: Some people believe there is a stiflingly loving God. W: The inside of a beehive would be stifling, from a human perspective. M: My gaze isn't one hundred percent steady. W: What do you see, with your wavering gaze? M: How many explanations are there in Manhattan? W: There are millions of people in Manhattan. M: Here is a list of potent items. W: Is "snow" on the list? M: Enter Idiot Savant, in glass bubble. W: Does he have the potent items inside the bubble? M: Why don't you want to add something? W: I will add "the products of bees." M: Maybe you should sit on it. W: No, I am not going to hold in my thoughts. M: You want me to talk today. W: I want us both to talk. M: I have the impression your reign is not over. W: No, I still have a ways to travel. M: What did it tell you? W: My road told me nothing. M: The inside of a beehive would be stifling, from a human perspective. W: Families are like beehives. M: An instrument. W: An instrument where all the keys are pressed at once. M: The inside of a beehive would be stifling, from a human perspective. W: The bees can take it, though, because it is their nature. M: (Offered cake) W: Is it honeycake? M: Does he have the potent items inside the bubble? W: Who is he? M: That sounds very, very confusing. W: There are too many men in the world. M: It was a question of changing the frame of reference. W: If we were just talking about Foreman's plays, it could be "Samuel." M: Yes, I should think so. W: OK, then he is Samuel. M: I will catch up to you sooner or later. W: Why are you lagging behind? M: So tables are multipurpose, is what you're saying? W: Are you still sitting at the breakfast table? M: Here in this room, I can just stay here, until it gets familiar to me. W: In an interview, Foreman said he was reclusive and antisocial. M: It's acting on its own. W: What is acting on its own? M: Reactions. W: Things have been set in motion, you're saying? M: I'm not paying any attention to the talking. W: Then what are you doing? M: You are so much stronger, so much more dominant. W: It's all relative. M: I hope. W: Well, just because I'm out here in the world -- M: What adventures you must have had! W: But Wallace Stevens said it was just a shade, a dust. M: Name all your household implements Hello, and the confusion stops. W: I don't have too many of those. M: Smoothed-out cylinders, nanotubes. W: To my knowledge, I have no nanotubes. M: But Wallace Stevens said it was just a shade, a dust. W: Wallace Stevens talked about "reality," like a philosopher. M: You want to thank me for making you uncomfortable? W: Richard Foreman wants to shake up his audiences. M: To my knowledge, I have no nanotubes. W: But do you have an audience? M: Maybe you were going to say "Oh ..." W: You would rather I just plain listen? M: (Both do) W: (Listens to librarian) M: Are you a landlubber? W: I hate that word. M: False starts. W: False starts to a vast communion. M: In spite of your silence, the play is still speaking. W: Let it speak. M: Please describe it fully. W: It starts with yellow bones. M: Hello hello hello! W: (Greets the bones) M: The library does not take kindly to that. W: One must behave in the library. M: You want to skip over the Nobel Prize Web site? W: No, let's add a few more Nobel Prize winners. M: That's why we have nothing to say to each other. W: Because I am too agreeable? M: She has unknowable lives in her experience. W: Who is she? M: I too have had my moments of mental projectile. W: Something is grammatically wrong with that sentence. M: I will talk to you in a standing or a seated position. W: By the way, in a Foreman tale, "she" is probably "Marie." M: I need so much money! W: You are too poor to listen to me? M: (Greets the bones) W: Hi, Mr. Bones! M: What things? W: No, no, you must say, "How are things? M: No, let's add a few more Nobel Prize winners. W: No, I am too restless for that. M: Be careful what you put out to the world at large. W: You are so right. M: (Stagger, fall) W: Goodbye! M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye! Labels: chat robot |
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