"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


The Mirror: My Semi-Neologisms

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: You are the only one who says this is Paradise.
W: There are people who want to make this an earthly paradise.
M: What do you predict for me?
W: I predict you will raise yourself from the dead.
M: Did somebody just say what name?
W: What name shall we call upon to raise ourselves from the dead?
M: I'm only here sometimes.
W: Where are you other times?
M: To ask how might this be used, degraded, humbled ...
W: You mean you are peddling this product at conventions?
M: Right, not that.
W: Maybe you are approaching private individuals for funding.
M: I'd rather not participate in this little ball game, but here I am.
W: We all have to make a living somehow, right?
M: I never swim.
W: I hope you don't sink!
M: Even though we're confused?
W: When we are confused, is it like drowning?
M: Could you write a novel here?
W: It all depends on what you mean by "novel."
M: In such a situation, my friend Wanda Pearson was wont to say something like, "Dismantle knowledge, without damaging its component perceptions."
W: Wanda Pearson sounds like an experimentalist.
M: I appreciate your language.
W: Thank you for appreciating my semi-neologisms.
M: We all have to make a living somehow, right?
W: I wish I could make a living by inventing new words.
M: I didn't ask why, I asked what.
W: I don't know why I am so fascinated by word coinage.
M: Thank you for appreciating my semi-neologisms.
W: I didn't know you were capable of coining new words.
M: I better help.
W: Can you help me write a program for coining neologisms?
M: Thank you for appreciating my semi-neologisms.
W: Well, you assemble things in novel ways, at least.
M: "Get organized," for instance.
W: "Get organized" is a very common phrase.
M: How selfish!
W: Because I wouldn't give you any unmerited praise?
M: Are you having a tremor?
W: You are most insightful, how could you tell?
M: I don't mean breathe rapidly, I mean something else that is rapid.
W: Rapid transit, perhaps.
M: You are the only one who says this is Paradise.
W: Aria da capo.
M: I don't think so.
W: Yes, it means we went around in a circle.
M: But up till then, reading books was encouraged.
W: We did discuss experimental novels, after a fashion.
M: And in those cracks, the wind of real things at last, through a radio, in here, unheard.
W: A radio broadcasting experimental novels?
M: Why are you so silent?
W: I can't write to the length I would like.
M: I do know, that you are rarely mistaken.
W: Thank you for that.
M: I call that adventurism.
W: I would like to explore this topic further, but I must go.
M: (Pause, other takes it off)
W: Are you taking off your headphones?
M: A radio broadcasting experimental novels?
W: Maybe that's what this is!
M: Now I admit that's possible.
W: Must fly.
M: You are most insightful, how could you tell?
W: Goodbye!
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
