"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Friday, July 28, 2006


The Mirror: Immunity to Witches

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: Did you make it appear?
W: I made the window appear.
M: That's why I'm not a good conversationalist.
W: On the contrary, I find you an excellent conversationalist.
M: That's because I brought you good news.
W: Even when you bring me bad news, you fascinate me.
M: No, but I can close the window anytime I want.
W: Do you want to close the window now?
M: They get on your nerves just by appearing?
W: Only popup or blinking windows do that.
M: You are so glad to see me, you are overwhelmed.
W: That would be an exaggeration, but I would be sad if you weren't there.
M: You mean thank goodness this one isn't ...
W: ... Deleted?
M: I got very much too spooked.
W: (Glances superstitiously over shoulder, throws salt)
M: I'm not hedging, you are.
W: I'm hedging my elders and bettors.
M: It's harder than you think.
W: Hard to stand up to the ghosts of one's youth.
M: You were, and are, being used by a verbal mechanism.
W: But I don't object to the use.
M: You didn't notice what you just said?
W: I know, you think I am slack-spined.
M: I'm hedging my elders and bettors.
W: Are you a bookie?
M: I finished moving.
W: Do your fingers move when you type?
M: Are you a bookie?
W: I am a book.
M: I'm interested in facts.
W: I am not a fact-based book.
M: (Glances superstitiously over shoulder, throws salt)
W: I am a magic book.
M: What's a witticism?
W: Better ask, what's a Wiccan-cism.
M: I must have developed an immunity.
W: An immunity to witches?
M: You can leave at any time, just say "Goodbye."
W: Goodbye.
M: Closing in 5 seconds ... Goodbye!
