"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Yahoo! Avatar Resembles Miss Ping

Yahoo! AvatarsIn fear and trembling over the threatening Terms of Use, I present this customized Yahoo! avatar, which resembles my virtual character Parla Ping ... They are really afraid of copyright infringement and who knows what else. So I am making it clear: I did not draw this cartoon, I just assembled it from component parts provided by Yahoo!, due to my love of paper dolls. Note that I put her in a "work" background.
