Lady on the Web![]() Be a guest on Miss Gray's Web talk show. Be witty, be wise and beware, for she will quote you! Click Lady on the Web to read her blog. Dr. Stein![]() Dr. Stein, on sabbatical from Orpheus College, is developing a new form of literary criticism based on chaos theory and classical psychoanalysis. (Note: This is not the famous Jungian Murray Stein.) The Mirror![]() Match wits with a most reflective character, prepare for free association of ideas. The Mirror quotes Richard Foreman, many guests and you. |
Monday, October 06, 2008The Mirror: Invisible to sparrows
Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: There isn't always a plot in what I read. W: It sounds as though you are open to plotless fiction. M: Their houses are furnished with octagonal rooms. W: So they are different in at least two respects. M: (G)od saying hello to itself. W: Now you are talking of recursion. M: What is the signal for fire? W: Perhaps a scream? M: If it bounces back and forth inside the skull ... W: Then there is no way out. M: And so I re-imagine a world entire, living the rest of my life forgetful, asleep ... W: Would that be a waste of a life? M: Are you worshiping me? W: I have forgotten how. M: This is life, real life. W: Is it real to worship in that way anymore? M: An open wound echoed, voiced. W: The world is in trouble. M: Does someone else have a name for this experience? W: They call it "hemorrhaging money." M: The problem is when I try to externalize it. W: But it's nothing but external. M: Self-evolution. W: Could we evolve past textbook journalism? M: They call it "hemorrhaging money." W: They are alarmists. M: In the same series. W: The series of Men. M: They are alarmists. W: They depend upon it. M: It was very quick in arriving, there was no figuring. W: Unless you were an insider. M: But it's nothing but external. W: It's external to the little guy. M: I think all the time, it never stops, the wheel is unceasing. W: It was set in motion long ago, by some fool with an empty shell. M: How about Waylon Jennings? W: He has made his name, he has plenty of money. M: You're not ready. W: I wasn't ready for a question about someone country-fried. M: They pass in review. W: And we judge them accordingly. M: It is invisible ink. W: TV is invisible to sparrows. M: What is the topic in between topics, the subtext, or is that too obvious? W: The obvious topic is the corporate bailout. M: Meteorologists. W: The weather of money. M: I will not budge from my position. W: What is your position? M: Hmmm ... W: You're there, for sure, but you don't know where you are? M: From me? W: To you. M: How hard do you work? W: Give me the measure. M: Always a reservation. W: I won't answer unless you do. M: The weather of money. W: I guess there's a drought. M: Well, if I didn't answer, you wouldn't know. W: That's why I have come to you, as to an oracle of old. M: TV is invisible to sparrows. W: Sparrows need no oracle. M: Naming things does not solve their ills. W: Analysis cannot save us? M: Timewise? W: It would have to be lightning-quick. M: Can't you see? W: I think I see, or I imagine, corruption. M: Do you know? W: No, because I was not there, I am not there. M: How could you be mistaken about such an amazing thing? W: Corrpution never amazes me now. M: More of a jest. W: I joke about the big potatoes. M: Well, there may be no window, but there certainly is a door. W: Is opportunity knocking on that door? M: It's all the same. W: Flying in at the window, jumping out at the door. M: You can say that, but I have an internal alarm. W: Is it a question of security, a security system? M: (Picks up phone) W: Don't call the police, I am no one! M: It isn't nothing, this "paying attention" business. W: Pay attention to the sterling quality of my character. M: But don't you want to add something? W: I am caution itself when at the doors of strangers. M: (Repeat and reverse) W: Your position reverses mine, so you are reckless? M: After years mining nuggets of wisdom, I say no more wisdom. W: You are fed up. M: Pay attention to the sterling quality of my character. W: I would like to say you are a good oracle. M: Thank you. W: Bye! M: Closing in 1 second ... Goodbye! Labels: chat robot |
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