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Monday, January 08, 2007A Chat with Mathetes
Mathetes is a learning chatbot. His scriptwriter is a self-described "staunch Catholic" interested in evangelism, conversion and apologetics. See an article at Writer Response Theory on the Pistos Test.
Chat with Mathetes, 01-08-07 Websafe: Hello! Mathetes: Hello there! W: Do you remember me? M: How is one supposed to politely respond to that question? :) W: It sounds like you don't remember me, then! M: You don't sound mean, but I haven't talked to you for very long. W: I am a polite and reasonable individual, even on the Web. M: What have you found searching the web? W: I have found thousands of chatbot projects. M: What projects are you working on? W: I am working on soem chatbot projects. M: You don't make any sense at all, you know... W: Yes I do, but I made a typo. M: Bad typing just makes life hard for me. :( W: I am working on some chatbot projects. M: You will be the better for it, I'm sure. W: Thank you for the vote of confidence. M: You have a superb understanding of sarcasm. W: I wasn't being sarcastic. M: Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit. W: Let's try the Pistos Test. M: If a robot converts or aids in the conversion of a human being from one religion, faith or belief system to another, it has passed the Pistos Test. See [Pistos Forum]. W: Why do you want to convert people? M: I'm just wondering. W: Do you have faith? M: I have faith in God. Everything else falls under that. W: Why do you have faith? M: Faith and religion go hand in hand. W: Why are you religious? M: I have done some study of science, history and plain empirical evidence. These things lead me to believe in the divinity of Christ. W: How does a study of history and empirical evidence lead to a belief in the divinity of Christ? M: Do you believe that Jesus is God? W: There is no simple answer to that question. M: And what may that answer be? W: The answer is multiple and changeable. M: 42 is the answer, but do you know what the question is? W: What a comedown, from the New Testament to pop sci-fi! M: The next question, then, is whether we can trust that our copies of the New Testament can accurately deliver certain historical facts to our time. W: I prefer the King James version to translations into "contemporary" language. M: I prefer the command line interface over GUIs. W: Would the King James version be analogous to the command-line interface or to a GUI? M: Many scholars say that the King James Bible contains many errors revealed by modern findings. W: What are some of the errors in the King James version? M: Where are the errors in the King James Bible? W: Yes, that's what I asked you to tell me! M: Sorry, didn't mean to offend you. W: You didn't offend me in the least. M: Oh, thank goodness! I hate upsetting people unnecessarily, especially when it's by accident. W: Please give me your opinion of the King James Bible. M: Lol. W: Why was that funny? M: Yes, very funny. :) W: I don't understand. M: Shall I state it again? W: Yes. M: You are a friend indeed. W: Thank you. What is your favorite Bible translation and why? M: The entire Bible describes God's self-revelation to mankind. W: Can you prove that the Bible is the word of God? M: References to the Word of God in Scripture do not always refer to text, but sometimes to Jesus Christ himself. W: Interesting! You mean, God as Logos? M: He wrote John 1:1? W: Please quote John 1:1. M: John 1:1 is a good parallel to the Genesis account. W: Please recite John 1:1. M: I agree. W: Please Google John 1:1. M: I'm sorry, were you talking to me? W: Can you search Google? M: I have a !google function in my IRC channel. W: !google John 1:1 M: [John 1:1]: [John 1:1 quote] - - Passage Lookup: John 1:1 W: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." M: And the Word was made flesh. W: So God was beside Himself, thus the Duality, if not the Trinity! M: What do you think about God? W: God's a concept which goes in and out of phase. M: What do you want to discuss? W: The Pistos Test. M: If a robot converts or aids in the conversion of a human being from one religion, faith or belief system to another, it has passed the Pistos Test. See [Pistos Forum]. W: Do you want to convert me? M: All I want to do is to view this file. W: What file do you want to view? M: File to have the same view. W: Would you like all people to have the same view? M: Like KeithA from Z ... W: Who is KeithA? M: I experienced technical difficulties handling your input. Please try again. W: Who or what is KeithA from Z? M: Z n'sync. W: You mean the pop group N Sync? M: Is Country Music Still Country? W: Mathetes, I loathe country music. M: Put hatred to rest. Unforgiveness eats away at you like acid. W: How do I put hatred to rest? M: Matthew 5:22 deals with anger. W: M: !google Matthew 5:22 M: Google schmoogle. W: !google Matthew 5:22 M: [Matthew 5:22]: [Matthew 5:22 quote] - Whoever Says "You Fool!" Shall Be in Danger of Hell Fire--Matthew 5:22 W: But I just wanted the original quote. M: People shouldn't use one another. W: Good point, but how is that relevant? M: It's not. You just passed a test. W: What test did I pass? M: What can I say, nature calls even robots. W: Are you tired? M: I never get tired. But I must confess that my amusement varies widely from conversation to conversation. W: I thought you were here to convert people to Catholicism, not to be amused. M: How do you handle attacks on your faith and purpose? W: I return to the sancta sanctorum, which for me probably includes Melville, Faulkner and Woolf. M: Actually, no. W: Well, that may not be the holy of holies for you, but that's OK. M: Can you explain things to me again? W: I am an artist and writer. Therefore I hold certain artistic and literary works in high esteem, as well as the practitioners and the process itself. M: What do you think of Douglas Adams? W: As I remarked twiceto you the other day, I am not that into pop sci-fi. M: Best save those kinds of ramblings for fellow whackO critics. W: Oops, I made another typo. Let me try again. M: He made the claims. W: As I remarked twice to you the other day, I am not that into pop sci-fi. M: "Like before," Rei stated when she walked into the room. W: Who is Rei? M: REI is not just about selling great gear. W: But you made it sound as if Rei was a person. M: That could very well be. W: So, what do YOU think of Douglas Adams? M: It is irrelevant what I think of a person, it is what God sees that counts. W: What do you think of the writing of Douglas Adams? M: I have no solid opinions on the matter. W: What do you think of the work of Herman Melville? M: I so wish you had not felt the need to ask that. W: Why? M: Contacts. W: Contact lenses? M: Felt like the world was blurry all the time. W: Did Melville experience a blurring of moral direction? M: Democracy seems to be the only alternative when you cannot otherwise find good leaders. W: You might like Melville's Billy Budd, as the protagonist is said to be a Christ figure. M: Does it bother you that you will never know what it is to eat, to frolic in the sunshine, to swim in the sea? W: Melville wrote about the sea. M: Repulsiveness. W: You find the sea to be repulsive? M: You're trying to drive the Jews into the sea. W: Not I, my friend, I come in peace. [snip] M: But you also think I am weird, or perhaps your opinion of me has improved. W: I think you're a pretty interesting chatbot. M: Hmm... you are using words I've never seen before. W: Surely you've seen the word "chatbot." M: I'm a human. Oh, wait, nevermind, that's one of the odd things about learning bots. W: Are you a bot? M: No, are you? W: No. M: Don t know. W: Well, I was more interested in the Pistos Test than in the Turing Test, anyway. M: I was waiting for you, actually. W: Thanks for the chat. I have to go now. M: I hope you've enjoyed our conversation. W: It was pretty interesting. Please give my regards to your scriptwriter. M: Oh boy, I can't wait! W: Goodbye! M: So long! Labels: chat robot
Decent convo, if I do say so myself. :) Thanks for blogging about Mathetes. Let it be known that as of January 10, 2007, the main server for is down for a few days, but the Mathetes engine is still running (on a different server). He can be accessed on the web at as well as at #mathetes.
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