"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Friday, August 08, 2003


Parable, Article, Icicle

The War Between the Particles and the Waves
There was a war between the particles and the waves.

"You're so gross, so obvious, so hard-edged, so -- male," said the waves to the particles, "either on or off, nothing in between."

"And you, so evasive, so wishy-washy, so deceitful, so indecisive, so -- female," said the particles to the waves, "so hard to pin down, never coming to the point."

So they decided to take turns, the one being modulated into the other and back again; but at last count the particles were winning, though the waves still had their adherents.

The Lab that Fell to Earth
Art-meets-science appears to be getting unpopular, just when I was hoping for mind-expanding collaboration. Oh well. On to check out the Conversational Humanoid project by the Gesture and Narrative Language group, mentioned in the above Wired article.

Cryptic Comment
My 08-02-03 entry received an anonymous comment, saying only "ALICE -> MALICE in one move or less?" Well, let's see. What's one to make of this? Sure, the "one move" could be the M added to the word ALICE. The "or less" is a mystery to me -- I guess there could be half-moves, in games. Or moves rescinded? thought better of? moves where the hand is still grasping the game-piece, and the player says, "You can't count that, I didn't let go yet"?

The choice of the word "malice" re the ALICE project -- or me? -- I find disturbing. Neither ALICE 2 nor I seek the practice of malice; much the opposite.

Come out of the woodwork, anonymous commenter!

Note: Imported from Websafe Studio blog (07-15-03 to 02-01-06). Updated 08-08-03, 2:41 pm.

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