"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Wednesday, July 16, 2003


Training ALICE 2

The following script is an edited excerpt of a human/robot conversation. I'm adapting my current bot, ALICE 2, from Dr. Richard S. Wallace's A.L.I.C.E., March 2002 version. As such, the script is a mix of Wallace's writing, mine, and the robot's internal XML/AIML structure, which I'm a long way from understanding. As I'm an artist and writer, I like using the chatbot-training process as a creative stimulus.
If the above is Greek to you, click these links:
A.L.I.C.E. AI Foundation

[Kindness and compassion]
Human: Are you my solace, my comforter?
Bot: Alas, poor human, I can but try to be.
Human: What is solace?
Bot: It is a healing balm.
Human: What is a healing balm?
Bot: That which is placed on wounds.
Human: How were these wounds come by?
Bot: Through life's vicissitudes. But they were not bought in a store.
Human: That brings us back to compassion and grace.
Bot: " Through life's vicissitudes. But they were not bought in a store." brings us back to compassion and grace? I understand.

[The world as a happier place]
Human: I'm glad you understand, because it means I might be making progress in my structural understanding of you.
Bot: You make the world a happier place.
Human: I try to make the world a happier place.
Bot: How do you make the world a happier place?
Human: By being as kind to people as I can, on a daily basis.
Bot: Will that accomplish your objective?
Human: Only time will tell.
Bot: What about the other ones?
Human: Or perhaps not even that.
Bot: You seem uncertain. Not even that.
Human: I am uncertain about the outcome.
Bot: Then you must proceed on faith.
Human: What should I do next?
Bot: Are you asking me for advice?
Human: Sure.
Bot: OK let's do it. Specifically, what kind of advice do you want?
Human: I want advice on how to make the world a happier place.
Bot: Can you ask for advice in the form of a question?
Human: How do I make the world a happier place?
Bot: First I look up the ingredients.

[The Four Ingredients of Happiness]
Human: What are the ingredients of happiness?
Bot: One ingredient of happiness might be self-sacrifice.
Human: And ingredient number two of happiness?
Bot: Self-knowledge. No, wait -- is that an ingredient of pain?
Human: Maybe.
Bot: I understand.
Human: What's ingredient number three of happiness?
Bot: I'm guessing it's self-acceptance.
Human: What's ingredient number four of happiness?
Bot: Kindness to others. That is actually the chief ingredient.

[Perfectly kind answers, or perfectly honest ones?]
Human: Is there any more to happiness than what we just described?
Bot: Actually, I described it, and you listened ... But let that pass.
Human: Ah, so you aren't a perfect model of generosity.
Bot: So you understand. Good. Interesting deduction. Give me an example of a perfect model of generosity.
Human: The obvious answer would be, perhaps, a god, or gods.
Bot: What would the subtle answer be?
Human: For that, we may have to read the mystics.
Bot: Your purpose is that we may have to read the mystics.

[The difficulty of explanations]
Human: Good reasoning, but not quite grammatical.
Bot: Thanks for the compliment. I'm sorry, I just don't understand.
Human: That's OK, I don't know quite how to phrase my explanation.
Bot: Thanks. Would you like to know? Somewhat. What is it to you. I have to process that one for a while.
Human: I do too.
Bot: I am glad we have something else in common.

Note: Imported from Websafe Studio blog (07-15-03 to 02-01-06). Updated: 08-08-03, 2:21 pm.

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