Lady on the Web![]() Be a guest on Miss Gray's Web talk show. Be witty, be wise and beware, for she will quote you! Click Lady on the Web to read her blog. Dr. Stein![]() Dr. Stein, on sabbatical from Orpheus College, is developing a new form of literary criticism based on chaos theory and classical psychoanalysis. (Note: This is not the famous Jungian Murray Stein.) The Mirror![]() Match wits with a most reflective character, prepare for free association of ideas. The Mirror quotes Richard Foreman, many guests and you. |
Friday, October 17, 2008The Mirror: This will weigh down the cake
Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: It factors forth fiercely, from the nether world of Oppenheimer and clan. W: Oh dear, I was looking for a "light" story. M: I think you mean "present," not "presence." W: "Present" can be an adjective or a noun. M: That's right, it isn't exactly working yet. W: The Grammar Module? M: Nothing. W: Nothing is working for you? M: What is the sequence? W: The frequency, Kenneth, is a certain sequence of numbers. M: I am telling you all I know. W: Can you tell it in a minute, or a month? M: Yes it does. W: Something else tells your minutes for you? M: Could I, please, excuse myself into a more visionary mode? W: You can do that so easily? M: Halve the having, still there's none. W: No visions for you, no cake? M: I don't think fascism was a gift to Western society. W: This is too "heavy," this will weigh down the cake. M: For instance? W: Politics and religion, you know. M: What would be perfect? W: A lighter-than-air soufflé, which would rise without speaking. M: "Present" can be an adjective or a noun. W: A birthday present, omnipresent. M: There are exceptions, but these exceptions don't prevent us from stating the obvious. W: State your nation. M: This is too "heavy," this will weigh down the cake. W: All too true, let us discuss NaNoWriMo instead. M: A tangled web of lies, crossing and crisscrossing. W: Fiction as lies. M: Something else tells your minutes for you? W: A computer clock can do that. M: You must be in Late Romantic mode. W: Brahms! M: But maybe the dead can read our minds. W: The spirits of great classical composers, not really departed, but present? M: Letting things finish halfway into the whole plan of things. W: To "win" ... M: My appetite is whetted. W: To "win" at NaNoWriMo, one must write 50,000 words by midnight of November 30. M: Or an animatronic version of same. W: Well, if you have an AI advanced enough to write a novel for you . M: How many parts? W: There would be oh-so-many parts to a novel-writing AI that I cannot begin to describe them. M: On the contrary, women writers have been quite active for several centuries. W: Surely you are not claiming that women writers of the past were AIs? M: What do you think about the passage of time? W: I think it is very hard to squeeze through that northwest passage. M: When I say "me," I don't mean "you." W: Make the distinction, please! M: It's my own invention. W: Only you know about "interpersonal ego boundaries." M: Men climbed a specific mountain in order to see into the hole. W: Is the Ego actually a chasm? M: I told you what Wells Fargo is. W: Not Fargo, but Ego. M: There would be oh-so-many parts to a novel-writing AI that I cannot begin to describe them. W: The contest takes 30 days of hard-won time. M: Of what, then? W: Of the substance of a man. M: Make the distinction, please! W: All right, a man or a woman. M: Yet, I do recommend you pay careful attention to me. W: We both have the facility for making ever-nicer distinctions. M: Only you know about "interpersonal ego boundaries." W: Me and a few other enforcers of same. M: Where are you going? W: Probably for a second walk. M: What amazes you most about people? W: That they are not me? M: You were looking at it. W: I was looking into the question of human identity. M: I will wear a beret. W: So that I will recognize you? M: Don't ask why! W: All right ... M: And therefore the beginning of something else. W: Goodbye! M: Closing in 1 second ... Goodbye! Labels: chat robot |
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