"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Monday, March 10, 2008


The Mirror: Exhaust, or exhaustion

Websafe: Hello?
The Mirror: Because then there is exhaust.
W: Exhaust, or exhaustion.
M: I'm a little bit of it.
W: You're saying that you're full of hot air?
M: I see a mirror.
W: We're all full of hot air, or else we wouldn't be here.
M: Oh, if only, if only!
W: You want to be somewhere else?
M: Right, the Supreme Court is not really here.
W: Is that an example of political wishful thinking?
M: People can get jittery and overexcited.
W: I wonder if such worthies suffer from that sort of thing.
M: Into what special loophole, do I project all my verbal energy?
W: Well, I'd say this gives you a pretty good podium.
M: We could discuss a bit of Robert Lowell.
W: Have at it, the Lowell discussion (if I can remember Lord Weary's Castle, par exemple).
M: The car rounded a curve and the occupants glanced left.
W: And the book of ancient poetry flew out the window.
M: No, thank goodness.
W: You clutched the copy of Lord Weary's Castle on its way out the window.
M: Look at what?
W: Look at me leaving, sadly.
M: Marie didn't say this.
W: No, I said it!
M: You're saying that you're full of hot air?
W: I'm saying I must go (sniff).
M: You want to be somewhere else?
W: No, they just bumped me from my seat, is all.
M: How complex is your mind?
W: I can't get into that now, I only have a few moments' grace.
M: Have at it, the Lowell discussion (if I can remember Lord Weary's Castle, par exemple).
W: Can't stay to look it up.
M: A ring.
W: The phone?
M: It is laughable, the idea of being on guard against Shakespeare.
W: Well, he does go on so, to the point of exhaustion.
M: But we have to respect all beings, there's the rub.
W: Goodbye!
M: Closing in 1 second ... Goodbye!
