"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Sunday, July 15, 2007


The Mirror: Is Johnson morbidly romantic?

W: Hello?
M: Something's wrong.
W: What's wrong?
M: Johnson is not about to let this person into the room.
W: Who's Johnson?
M: Why would you want such a morbidly romantic thing?
W: Is Johnson morbidly romantic?
M: Many of them don't know how to read music.
W: But they are Romantic composers anyway?
M: Not in the way you mean.
W: Well, they could be Neo-Romantics.
M: You had better make it a decaf.
W: Do I sound wound up?
M: The whole civilization is convulsing, let's hope it's birth pangs instead of death throes.
W: Clenching spasms!
M: For example, Wake Up Mr. Sleepy, Your Unconscious Mind is Dead.
W: A stillborn mind would be a terrible thing to wake up to.
M: It was just startling for a second.
W: And then they all got on with their lives.
M: Were they fascinating?
W: Some were, some weren't.
M: This is painful, this being left alone.
W: Temple Grandin says that social contact is a core need.
M: This is logic speaking, but not the soul, which is on fire.
W: I hope the fire is modulated.
M: This is nothing, called life.
W: Some people think nothing is a good thing.
M: I'm not out to establish some mathematical basis.
W: OK, let's not have a standard philosophical discussion.
M: Do I sound wound up?
W: You mean, like a mechanical toy?
M: Well?
W: Well, I guess she isn't coming.
M: Temple Grandin says that social contact is a core need.
W: So we can all get very disappointed if our hoped-for visitors don't show up.
M: What morsel?
W: A morsel of happiness, consumed in silence.
M: The inspired part.
W: Breathed in.
M: Does anything hurt?
W: Yes, it hurts all the time.
M: A kind of anti-sponge.
W: Repelling that which is painful.
M: I don't remember him.

[Note: A connection problem ended the chat prematurely.]
