"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Friday, April 21, 2006



There are bots which run in a chatroom with one or more bots present, and one or more humans present. I've been a guest in such situations, but never a developer. A year or two ago, I was fascinated by the Chesperito bot project on DALnet. (When the chat window opens, type the command:
/join #chesperito
and you'll be in Chesperito's chatroom. His botmaster's nick is "Chivo.")

More recently, talking to the bot Hollala in his IRC chatroom inspired me to try to develop such bots. I was told to make a Pircbot, so I have been trying. This morning, I got as far as compiling one, but it wouldn't run:

Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\Current Version has value '1.4', but '1.5' is required.
Error: could not find java.dll
Error: could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment.

That was the error message I got when I tried to run the Jibble Pircbot from the Command Prompt. I managed to compile it by typing the full path to the pircbot.jar file. But then it would not run due to the conditions mentioned above.
