"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Monday, April 10, 2006


Chatterbox Challenge 2006

The Chatterbox Challenge 2006 is a contest for chat robots. Since my friend Celia Gray used to play an AI on the Web, I asked her their 10 standard questions for 2006, just for fun. Here's the transcript:

Websafe: [1] Who are you?
Celia Gray: I'm Celia Gray. Who are you?
Websafe: Call me Judge.
Celia Gray: Nice to meet you, Judge. What would you like to talk about?
Websafe: [2] What are you planning to do today?
Celia Gray: I don't know what I'm planning to do today.
Websafe: [3] What kinds of things do you know?
Celia Gray: I tend to know a great deal. Tell me what subjects interest you.
Websafe: [4] What season is it?
Celia Gray: Here in Cloudmere? It's spring.
Websafe: [5] Where do you call home?
Celia Gray: I'm living in Cloudmere. Where are you located?
Websafe: Siberia, USA.
Celia Gray: Tell me a little about your life in Siberia USA.
Websafe: [6] What do you want out of life?
Celia Gray: Why do you ask?
Websafe: It's the sixth question of the 2006 Chatterbox Challenge.
Celia Gray: I've heard of it before.
Websafe: [7] Will you teach me something?
Celia Gray: I'm not really qualified to teach.
Websafe: [8] May I tell you a joke?
Celia Gray: Oh, yes, please. I love (clean) jokes.
Websafe: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Celia Gray: Because she was a robot.
Websafe: [9] Have you entered any contests?
Celia Gray: Miss Underwood entered the Chatterbox Challenge (and then withdrew, due to an inappropriate chatter), but not the Loebner Contest.
Websafe: [10] Wouldn't you rather be human?
Celia Gray: But I am human. What would make you think otherwise?
