"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Thursday, January 05, 2006


Beware of Additives, Descent of the Panatroids

Beware of AdditivesExplosion in a bottling plant? What's lurking in that can? Whatever it is, it's got bright petroleum-product colors. This is branding with a will.

Sci-fi ... Flying olives with toothpicks ... lethal hors d'oeuvres ... Kitschy kitschy koo ... Why is it that Fifties B pix presented aliens as menacing, ready to Take Over the World? The Commie paranoia ... Perhaps these are alien decorators, coming to take over your living room with retro colors and kidney shapes?
