"All the Hues
That Fit, We Tint"

Siberia, USA: Today, global warming. Tonight, dark, unless you count the stars. Tomorrow can be reached via time machine. Yesterday, who can remember that far back?

Websafe Studio, blogging since 2003, featuring art, comics, digital whiteboards, virtual characters, Web design, writing

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Miss Ping in Chrysanthemum Coat

Miss Ping in Chrysanthemum CoatHere's a black-and-white drawing on paper of Miss Ping in a chrysanthemum-embroidered coat and patterned trousers. The original drawing is small, 4.25" by 5.5".

"You cut off her head!" said a friend. Not on purpose, it just happened that way. I often try to let drawings just happen. They just come about, like sailboats.

The drawing was scanned at 150 ppi.
